Contact us

​​Connect on social media

Tag your posts! Conversations about Hawai‘i's public education system can be found at #HIPublicSchoolsProud.

Common numbers and information

​Main line

808-784-6200 (you can also email HIDOE at​

Fraud and ethics hotline

​If you know of or suspect any fraud or unethical behavior, you can report your concerns to the Department anonymously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, via our confidential toll-free hotline at (855) 233-8085​​ or at our online reporting service.


​Report incidents anonymously to the appropriate school personnel using the Speak Now App: Or download the app on a mobile device in the Apple App store or Google Play store.

Students can continue to safely report bullying incidents in person to a trusted adult.

Visitors on campus
​Please review our visitor code of conduct before approaching our campuses and offices.

Office of Talent Management

  • Teacher Recruitment: 808-441-8444
  • Employee Verification, Certificated Positions: 808-441-8364
  • Employee Verification, Classified Positions: 808-441-8350
Office of Fiscal Services
  • Payroll: Place a ServiceNow incident at (Microsoft Single Sign-On needed)
  • Vendor Payment: 808-784-6130
Office of Facilities and Operations
  • Food Services: 808-784-5500
  • Student Transportation (Bus): 808-784-6850

Mailing Addresses

  • Office of the Superintendent
    P.O. Box 2360
    Honolulu, HI. 96804

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