Report an Issue

We expect our staff and our schools to be held to high standards of integrity. Here, you will find information about how to report concerns relating to civil rights, fraud or unethical behavior.


Fraud or unethical behavior

Fraud hurts all of us. All Department employees are expected to hold themselves to the highest integrity. Eliminating fraud starts with you.

If you have any concerns of fraudulent or unethical behavior, please don't keep it to yourself. Examples include:

  • Improper use of funds
  • Falsification of documents
  • Kickbacks or bribes
  • Theft of cash or DOE property
  • Inappropriate employee behavior
  • Misuse of DOE time or resources

If you know of or suspect any fraud or unethical behavior, you can report your concerns to the Department via our feedback form, or anonymously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to our confidential toll-free hotline at 855-233-8085​​ or at our online reporting service.

The DOE fraud and ethics hotline poster (click image, right,​ to view poster) has been distributed to all schools and offices and should be displayed where all stakeholders can see it. If you need another poster, please call the Internal Audit Office at 586-3325 to make your request.​

Code of Cond​uct

Pursuant to Board of Education P​olicy 201.2, Accountability of Employees, the DOE's Code of Conduct​ applies to all employees, contractors and volunteers. In order to better understand the Code, employees can view the video here

Procedures for DDL and LPI

Department Directed Leave (DDL) and Leave Pending Investigation (LPI) are initiated when credible allegations of employee misconduct arise or employees demonstrate conduct that jeopardizes a safe and healthy learning and work environment. DDL and LPI procedures outline the criteria, procedures, and timelines for this process.

​​​​​​Civil rights concerns

The Department's Civil Rights Compliance Office (CRCO) addresses discrimination in the department, and promotes equal opportunity in educational programs and activities for students and equal opportunity in employment for applicants and employees. CRCO is responsible for overall Department compliance with state and federal non-discrimination laws. It conducts internal administrative investigations of alleged violations and, when feasible, provides training on general civil rights issues. Please visit the CRCO site to learn more about protected classes, and how to file a complaint.​

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the public school system, please get in touch​.

​Policies and resources to support childrenTo support and develop the academic achievement, character building and social-emotional well-being of all children, the Board of Education develops policies and the Department cultivates and curates aligned resources for students, employees and the public school system.


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