Acronym |
Meaning |
A | |
A+ | After-School Plus Program |
A+ | a Computer Hardware Repair and Maintenance Program |
AA | Alternate Assessment |
AABC | Attendance, Achievement, Behavior, and Course Grade Report |
AAS | Alternate Assessment Standards |
AAT | Associate of Arts in Teaching |
ABC | Above and Beyond the Challenge |
ABE | Adult Basic Education |
ABR | Access Barrier Removal |
ABI | Acquired Brain Injury |
ACCESS | Assessing Comprehensive and Communication in English State-to-State |
ACCN | Authorized Courses and Code Numbers |
ACE | Administrator Certification for Excellence |
ACE | A Committee on Excellence |
ACFN | Academic and Financial Plan |
ACS | Accrediting Commission of Schools |
ACT | Autism Consulting Teacher |
ACT | College entrance exam formerly known as American College Testing, now just ACT |
Act 51 | Reinventing Education Act of 2004 |
AD | Athletic Director |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADA | Average Daily Absence |
ADAD | Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division (State Department of Health) |
ADD | Attention Deficit Disorder |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
ADM | Average Daily Membership |
ADR | Alternative Dispute Resolution |
ADTSEA | American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association |
AE | Adult Education |
AED | Automatic External Defibrillator |
AEFLA | Adult Education and Family Literacy Act |
AFP | Academic/Financial Plan |
AFP | Annual Financial Plan |
AFT | American Federation of Teachers |
AG | Attorney General |
AGE | Adult General Education |
AGT | Academically Gifted and Talented |
AHCT | Athletic Health Care Trainer |
AHERA | Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (federal) |
AI | Army Instructor |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
AIR | American Institutes for Research |
AITS | Artists in the Schools |
ALC | Alternative Learning Center |
ALT | Academic Leadership Team |
AMAO | Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives |
AMO | Annual Measurable Objective |
AP | Advanced Placement |
APC | Association Policy Committee |
APD | Auditory Processing Disorder |
API | Alternate Performance Indicators |
APP | Art in Public Places |
APR | Annual Performance Report (req. by OSEP) |
ARCH | Accountability Resource Center - Hawaii |
ARLISE | Alternative Route to Licensure in Special Education |
ARRA | American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 |
ARS | Academic Review Status |
ART | Academic Review Team |
AS | Assistant Superintendent |
ASA | Administrative Services Assistant |
ASAD | Aloha State Association of the Deaf |
ASB | Auxiliary Services Branch |
ASCD | Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development |
ASD | Autism Spectrum Disorder |
ASEBA | Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment |
ASES | Assessing Special Education Students |
ASI | Accreditation School Improvement |
ASI | Aerospace Science Instructor |
ASL | American Sign Language |
ASIST | Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training |
ASP | After School Snack Program |
ASPIRE | Accelerating Successful Performance in Regular Education |
ASR | Accountability Systems and Reporting |
ASSSDE | Association of State Supervisors of Safety and Drivers Education |
AST | Arts, Sciences and Technology |
ASVAB | Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery |
ASVPP | App store Volume Purchase Program |
AT | Assistive Technology |
ATP | Approval to Pay |
AUP | Acceptable Use Policy |
AV | Audio-Visual |
AVID | Advancement Via Individual Determination |
AYP | Adequate Yearly Progress |
B | |
B&F | Budget & Finance (State Department of) |
BASC | Behavior Assessment System for Children |
BASE | Bachelor of Arts in Special Education |
BASICS | Basic Academic Skills Improvement through Core Subjects |
BASIS | Basic Academic Skills Improvement System |
B/BSHA | Bilingual/Bicultural School-Home Assistant |
BESS | Balance Error Scoring System |
BEST | Basic Education Skills through Technology |
BFY | Budget Fiscal Year |
BIASC | Big Island Association of Student Councils |
BICS | Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills |
BIIF | Big Island Interscholastic Federation |
BIMEA | Big Island Music Educators Association |
BINL | Basic Inventory of Natural Language |
BIP | Behavior Intervention Plan |
BISCA | Big Island School Counselors’ Association |
BMT | Benchmark Tracker |
BOE | Board of Education (Hawaii State) |
BOR | Board of Regents |
BOT-2 | Bruininks Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency |
BPA | Basic Practical Arts |
BRS | Blue Ribbon Schools |
BSC | Balanced Scorecard |
BSI | Behavioral Symptom Index |
BSP | Behavioral Support Plan |
BTOP | Broadband Technology Opportunities Program |
BU | Bargaining Unit |
C | |
C-MORE | Center of Microbial Oceanography, Research and Education |
CA | Communication Aide |
CABM | Complex Area Business Manager |
CACFP | Child and Adult Care Food Program |
CAFAS | Child & Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale |
CAG | Certified Allocation Guidelines |
CAI | Computer-Assisted Instruction |
CALLA | Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach |
CALP | Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency |
CAMHD | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Division (State Department of Health) |
CAO | Complex Academic Officer |
CAPA | Content Area Performance Assessment |
CAPD | Central Auditory Processing Disorder |
CAPE | Collaborative Action for Public Education |
CAPS | Complex Area Personnel Specialist |
CAR | Collection Activity Report |
CAS | Complex Area Superintendent |
CASAS | Comprehensive Adult & Student Assessment System |
CASSP | Child and Adolescent Service System Program |
CAST | Complex Area Support Team |
CAT | California Achievement Test |
CATV | Cable Access Television |
CB | Collective Bargaining |
CBA | Collective Bargaining Agreement |
CBE | Competency-Based Education |
CBI | Community-Based Instruction |
CBM | Competency-Based Measures |
CCC | Community Children’s Council |
CCCO | Community Children’s Council Office |
CCR | Cadet Command Regulation |
CCSS | Common Core State Standards |
CCR | College and Career Readiness |
CCSSO | Council of Chief State School Officers |
CCTV | Closed Circuit Television |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CDS | Center on Disability Studies (University of Hawaii) |
CE | Community Education (Adult Education) |
CEIS | Coordinated Early Intervening Services |
CEP | Character Education Partnerships |
CEP | Coaches Education Program |
CEP | Community Eligibility Program |
CERT | Civilian Emergency Response Team |
CESSA | Comprehensive Evaluation System for School Administrators |
CEU | Continuing Education Unit |
CFDA | Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance |
CH | Short for Chapter (e.g. Chapter 34) |
CHAP | Collaborative Human Resources Automation Project |
CIB | Curriculum and Instruction Branch |
CIMIP | Continuous Integrated Monitoring and Improvement Process |
CIO | Chief Information Officer |
CIP | Capital Improvement Program or Capital Improvement Project |
CIR | Complaint Investigative Report |
CIR | Computerized Information Retrieval |
CIS | Communities in Schools (formerly Cities in Schools) |
CISL | Certification Institute for School Leaders (formerly ACE) |
CJIS | Criminal Justice Information System |
CLIP | Core Learning Improvement Plan |
CLMS | Centralized Library Management System |
CM | Case Manager |
CMI | Computer Managed Instruction |
CMO | Charter Management Organization |
CMP | Concussion Management Program |
CMP | Complaints Management Program |
CMP | Connected Math Program |
CMS | Certified Mobility Specialist |
CN | Canonical Name |
CNA | Certified Nurse Aide |
CNA | Comprehensive Needs Assessment |
CNCS | Corporation for National and Community Service |
CNS | Corporation for National Service |
CNIPS | Child Nutrition Information Payment System |
COE | College of Education |
COMPETES | Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science Act of 2007 |
CoP | Community of Practice |
CORE | Curriculum on Reading Excellence |
COTA | Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant |
COW | Committee on Weights (Act 51, Weighted Student Formula) |
CP | Cerebral Palsy |
CPAR | Computer Purchase Approval Request |
CPC | Centralized Processing Center (Public Library) |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation |
CPR | Cultural Personnel Resources |
CPS | Child Protective Services (obsolete see: CWS) |
CPSS | Continuum of Proactive Student Supports |
CRADLE | Center for Research and Development in Law-Related Education |
CRAFT | Community Reinforcement Approach & Family Training |
CRCO | Civil Rights Compliance Office |
CRDC | U.S. Department of Education Civil Rights Data Collection |
CRDG | Curriculum Research and Development Group |
CRE | Coordinated Review Effort |
CRES | Consortium on Reading Excellence Schools |
CRM | Customer Relations Management |
CRU | Crime Reduction Unit |
CS&CS | Child Study & Consultation Service |
CSA | Community School for Adults |
CSAG | Classified/SSP Allocation Guidelines |
CSAO | Charter School Administrative Office |
CSAP | Comprehensive School Alienation Program (obsolete see: PSSAS) |
CSD | Customer Service Desk |
CSGTF | Charter School Governance, Accountability, and Authority Task Force |
CSHP | Coordinated School Health Program |
CSLC | Charter Schools Leadership Council |
CSMHA | Center for School Mental Health Assistance |
CSP | Charter School Program |
CSP | Coordinated Service Plan |
CSPD | Comprehensive System of Professional Development |
CSPR | Consolidated State Performance Report |
CSR | Coordinated Services Review / Comprehensive School Reform |
CSRP | Charter School Review Panel |
CSSSS | Comprehensive Student Support Services Section (OCISS) |
CSSS | Comprehensive Student Support System |
CTAPS | Consortium for Teaching Asia and the Pacific in the Schools |
CTBS | Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills |
CTCI | Classroom Teacher Computer Initiative |
CTE | Career and Technical Education |
CTEAC | Career & Technical Education Coordination Advisory Council |
CTSO | Career and Technical Student Organization |
CWS | Child Welfare Services |
D | |
DAGS | Department of Accounting and General Services (Hawaii State) |
DAI | Directory of Army Instruction |
DAP | Developmentally Appropriate Practices |
DARE | Drug Abuse Resistance Education |
DASH | Development Approach in Science and Health |
DBE | Development Bilingual Education |
DBEDT | Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (Hawaii State) |
D-B | Deaf-Blindness |
DBL | Deaf-Blind |
DC | Deferred Compensation |
DC | Department Chairperson |
DCAB | Disability and Communication Access Board |
DCAPS | Dual-Credit Articulated Program of Study |
DD | Developmental Delay (formerly ECLI-Early Childhood Learning Impairment) |
DDC | Developmental Disabilities Council |
DE | Driver Education |
DEAR | Drop Everything and Read |
DECA | Distributive Education Clubs of America |
DELI | District Education Leadership Institute |
DELLS | Database for English Language Learners |
DES | District Educational Specialist |
DF | Deaf |
DGO | Data Governance Office |
DH | Department Head |
DHRD | Department of Human Resources Development (Hawaii State) |
DHS | Department of Human Services (Hawaii State) |
DI | Direct Instruction |
DIP | Detailed Implementation Plan |
DIBELS | Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills |
DL | Digital Literacy |
DLIR | Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (Hawaii State) |
DLNR | Department of Land and Natural Resources (Hawaii State) |
DLT | Distance Learning Technology |
DNS | Domain Name Server |
DOE | Department of Education (Hawaii State) |
DOH | Department of Health (Hawaii State) |
DOK | Depth of Knowledge |
DOT | Department of Transportation (Hawaii State) |
DP | Data Processing |
DPAC | District Parent Advisory Council (Title 1) |
DPS | Department of Public Safety (Hawaii State) |
DPSA | Data Processing Systems Analyst |
DQ | Data Quality |
DQC | Data Quality Campaign |
DR | Disaster Recovery |
DRT | District Resource Teacher |
DSI | Data for School Improvement |
DSM-IV | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV |
DTOY | District Teacher of the Year |
DVR | Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (federal) |
E | |
E-Academy | Magnet Electronic Academy |
E-School | Electronic School |
EA | Educational Assistant |
EAB | Enterprise Architecture Branch |
EAG | Enhanced Assessment Grant |
EAP | Emergency Action Plan |
EB | Employee Benefits |
EBA | Emotional Behavioral Assessment |
EBC | Employee Background Check |
ECE | Early Childhood Education |
ECETF | Early Childhood Education Task Force |
ECLI | Early Childhood Learning Impairment (currently Developmental Delay) |
ECOS | Education and Career Opportunities System |
ECS | Education Commission of the States |
ECSE | Early Childhood Special Education |
eCSSS | Electronic Comprehensive Student Support System |
ED | Emotional Disability |
EDEN | Educational Data Exchange Network |
EDF | Electronic Data File |
EDFacts | U.S. Department of Education Electronic data management system |
EDGAR | Education Department General Administrative Regulations |
EDI | U.S. Education Delivery Institute |
EDN | short for Education; Budget Program Structure Designation for the Department of Education |
EDP | Educational Data Processing |
EE | Environmental Education |
EEOC | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
EES | Educator Effectiveness System |
EETT | Enhancing Education Through Technology |
EFF | Equipped for the Future |
EFIG | Education Finance Incentive Grants |
EFL | English as a Foreign Language |
EGO | Equal Goals in Occupations |
eHR | Electronic Human Resources system |
EI | Educational Interpreter |
EIEP | Emergency Immigrant Education Program (formerly Emergency Immigrant Education Act) |
EIS | Early Intervention Section (State Department of Health) |
EISB | Enterprise Infrastructure Services Branch |
EISP | Enrichment in Science Program |
ELA | English Language Arts |
ELA | Enterprise License Agreement |
ELC | Early Learning Council |
ELC | Educational Leadership Conference |
ELI | Education Leadership Institute |
ELL | English Language Learner |
ELO | Extended Learning Opportunities |
| Extended Learning Opportunities & Student Support |
ELP | English Language Proficiency |
| Extended Learning Time |
EM/E-Mail | Electronic Mail |
| Educational Management Organization |
| Educational Officer |
| End of Course
| Executive Office on Early Learning
| Employee of the Year
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency (federal) |
EPT | English Proficiency Test |
ERIC | Educational Resources Information Center |
ERP | Enterprise Resources Planning |
ERS | Employees’ Retirement System |
ES | Educational Specialist |
ESAA | Emergency School Aid Act |
ESAP | Elementary School Attendance Program |
ESB | Enterprise System Branch |
ESEA | Elementary and Secondary Education Act |
eSIS | Electronic Student Information System |
ESL | English as a Second Language (obsolete see: ELL) |
ESLL | English for Second Language Learners (obsolete see: ELL) |
ESLRs | Expected Schoolwide Learning Results |
ESOL | English for Speakers of Other Language |
ESU | Environmental Services Unit |
ESY | Extended School Year |
ETA | Education Trend Analyzer |
ETAL | Effective Teaching and Learning Project |
ETC | Educational Technology Center |
ETC | Employment Training Center |
ETO | Employment Training Opportunities |
ETS | Educational Testing Service |
ETV | Educational Television |
EUTF | Employer Union Trust Fund |
EVAL | Evaluation |
EWS | Early Warning System |
EXCELL | Expediting Comprehension for English Language Learners |
EXIT | English and Cross (X) Cultural Improvement in Testing (Bilingual Education Project) |
F | |
FA | Formative Assessment |
FAMIS | Financial Accounting and Management Information System |
FAPE | Free Appropriate Public Education |
FAST | Foundational Approach in Science Teaching |
FAY | Full Academic Year |
FB | Fiscal Biennium |
FBA | Functional Behavioral Assessment |
FBLA | Future Business Leaders of America |
FCCLA | Family Career and Community Leaders of America |
FCPMO | Federal Compliance & Project Management Office |
FDB | Facilities Development Branch |
FDP | Food Distribution Program (may also be referred to as USDA Foods) |
FEA | Future Educators of America |
FEP | Fluent (or Fully) English Proficient |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act |
FES | Fluent English Speaker |
FFA | Future Farmers of America |
FFR | Families for Resources and Early Access to Learning |
FFVP | Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program |
FGC | Family Guidance Center |
FHA | Future Homemakers of America |
FIN | House Committee on Finance (Hawaii State) |
FIFO | First In First Out |
FL | Facilitative Leadership |
FLES | Foreign Language in Elementary Schools |
FLSA | Fair Labor Standards Act |
FMB | Facilities Maintenance Branch |
FMLA | Family Medical Leave Act |
FMS | Financial Management System |
FOL | Focus on Learning (School Accreditation) |
FOP | Framework Observation Program |
FP | Financial Plan |
FRC | Federal Resource Center |
FRL | Free and Reduced Lunch |
FRP | Felix Response Plan |
FRS | Financial Reporting System |
FSC | Fully self–contained |
FSS | Family Support Services |
FTE | Full –time Equivalency |
FX | Foreign Exchange |
FY | Fiscal Year |
FYI | For Your Information |
G | |
GCOC | Governor’s Committee on Crime |
GE | Geographic Exception |
GE/ACT | General Education/Article VI Classroom Teacher |
GEAR UP | Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs |
GED | General Educational Development (Test) |
GEPA | General Education Provisions Act |
GF | General Fund |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GLC | Grade Level Chairperson |
GLO | General Learner Outcomes |
GPA | Grade Point Average |
GSC | Graded Symptom Checklist |
GRG | Grandparents Raising Grandchildren |
GSEG | General Supervision Enhancement Grant |
GSS | General Supervision and Support |
GT or G/T | Gifted and Talented |
GT or GTF | Gastrostomy Tube or Gastrostomy Tube Feeding |
H | |
H1N1 | Novel Influenza |
H-KISS | Hawaii Keiki Information Service System |
HAAE | Hawaii Alliance of Arts Education |
HAAPAE | Hawaii Association for Asian and Pacific American Education |
HACS | Hawaii Association of Charter Schools |
HAEP | Hawaii Arts Education Partnership |
HAESP | Hawaii Assoc. of Elementary School Principals (elementary through middle) |
HAEYC | Hawaii Association for the Education of Young Children |
HAIS | Hawaii Association of Independent Schools |
HAMS | Hawaii Association of Middle Schools |
HAP | Hawaii Assessment Program |
HAPA | Hawaiian Aligned Portfolio Assessment |
HAR | Hawaii Administrative Rules |
HASCD | Hawaii Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development |
HASL | Hawaii Association for School Librarians |
HASP | Hawaii Association of School Psychologists |
HASSA | Hawaii Association of Secondary School Administrators |
HATA | Hawaii Athletic Trainers Association |
HBEA | Hawaii Business Education Association |
HCAP | Honolulu Community Action Program |
HCEOC | Hawaii County Economic Opportunity Council |
HCIDS | Hawaii Career Information Delivery System |
HCJDC | Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center |
HCL | Homeless Concerns Liaison |
HCNP | Hawaii Child Nutrition Programs |
HCNS | Hawaii Child Nutrition System |
HCO | Homeless Concerns Office |
HCPS III | Hawaii Content and Performance Standards III |
HCRC | Hawaii Civil Rights Commission |
HCSN | Hawaii Charter Schools Network |
HCTE | Hawaii Council of Teachers of English |
HEA | Hawaii Education Association |
HEAP | Health Education Assessment Project |
| Hawaii Early Learning and Development Standards
| Hawaii Education Network Consortium
HEP | Hawaii English Program |
HEPC | Hawaii Educational Policy Center |
HEPS | Hawaiian Education Programs Section (OCISS) |
HERA | Hawaii Educational Research Association |
HETP | Hawaii Educational Technology Plan |
HFAA | Hawaii Families as Allies |
HFT | Hawaii Federation of Teachers |
HGEA | Hawaii Government Employees Association |
HH | Hard of Hearing |
HHA | Hawaii Housing Authority |
HHI | Healthy Hawaii Initiative |
HHI | Home/Hospital Instruction |
HHSAA | Hawaii High School Athletic Association |
HI | Hearing Impairment |
HIDOE | Hawaii Department of Education |
HICSL | Hawaii Certification Institute for School Leaders |
HIDA | Hawaii Dyslexia Association |
HIMAG | Hawaii Institute for Management and Analysis Government |
HIOSH | Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
HIRE | Help Through Industry Retraining and Employment |
HIS | Hawaii Interpreting Services |
HITS | Hawaii Interactive Television System |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
HLIP | Hawaiian Language Immersion Program |
HLP | Hawaii Learning Progression |
HLRB | Hawaii Labor Relations Board |
HLS | Home Language Survey |
HMSU | Hawaii Medical Services Unit |
HNLC | Hawaii Networked Learning Communities |
HOSA | Health Occupations Students of America |
HOST | Help One Student to Succeed |
HPA | Hawaii Principal Academy |
HPEA | Hawaii Pacific Evaluation Association |
HPERB | Hawaii Public Employment Relations Board |
HPERC | Hawaii Partnership for Educational Research Consortium |
HQT | Highly Qualified Teacher |
HR | Human Resources |
HRS | Hawaii Revised Statutes |
HSA | Hawaii State Assessment |
HSA-ALT | Hawaii State Alternate Assessment |
HSAC | Hawaii School Advisory Council |
HSCA | Hawaii School Counselors Association |
HSDB | Hawaii School for the Deaf and Blind |
HSEOA | Hawaii State Educational Officers’ Association |
HSHA | Hawaii Speech-Language Hearing Association |
HSOICC | Hawaii State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee |
HSP | Hawaiian Studies Program |
HSPLS | Hawaii State Public Library System |
HSSC | Hawaii State Student Council |
HSSRA | Hawaii State School Readiness Assessment |
HSTA | Hawaii State Teachers Association |
HSTW | High Schools That Work |
HTEA | Hawaii Technology Education Association |
HTIRE | Help Through Industry Retraining and Employment |
HTSB | Hawaii Teacher Standards Board |
HVLN | Hawaii Virtual Learning Network |
HYCF | Hawaii Youth Correctional Facility |
HYTS | Hawaii Youth Tobacco Survey |
I | |
i3 Fund | Investing in Innovation Grant Funds |
IAES | Interim Alternative Educational Setting |
IAPS | Identification, Assessment, and Programming System |
IASA | Improving America’s School Act |
IB | International Baccalaureate Program |
IBR | Institute for Beginning Reading |
ICAA | Index Complex Area Allocation |
ICEOM | Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children |
ICY | Immigrant Children & Youth |
ID | Intellectual Disability |
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
IDEIA 2004 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 |
IDM | Instructional Development Model |
IEBC | Institute for Evidence-Based Change |
IEP | Individualized Education Program |
IFB | Invitation for Bid |
IFEP | Initially Functionally English Proficient |
IFSP | Individualized Family Service Plan |
IHE | Institution of Higher Education |
IIS | Instructional Improvement System |
IIS | Internet Information Services/Server (Microsoft) |
IISC | Intensive Instructional Services Consultant |
ILC | Intensive Learning Center |
ILH | Interscholastic League of Honolulu |
ILI | Initial Line of Inquiry |
ILSB | Interim Local School Board |
ILT | Instructional Leadership Team |
IMP | Interactive Mathematics Program |
ImPACT | Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Post Cognitive Testing |
IP | Intellectual Property |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IP | Issue Paper |
IPP | Individually Prescribed Program |
IPS | Introductory to Physical Science |
IPSC | Information Privacy and Security Council |
IRA | Instructional Resource Augmentation |
IRA | International Reading Association |
IRC | Interservice Recruitment Council |
IRM | Information Resource Management |
IRMB | Information Resource Management Branch |
ISA | Improving Student Achievement |
ISAP | Interim School Administrator Program |
ISC | Integrated Self Contained |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISS | In-School Suspension |
ISSB | Information System Services Branch |
ISTS | Information Systems Training Section |
ISTE | International Society for Technology in Education |
ITAC | In-Service Training Advisory Council |
ITBS | Iowa Test of Basic Skills |
ITC | Information Technology Centers |
ITP | Individualized Transition Program |
ITPMB | Information Technology Project Management Branch |
ITV | Instructional Television |
IWB | Interactive Whiteboard |
IWG | Interagency Work Group (on Act 51 delinking) |
J | |
JAG | Jobs for America's Graduates |
JCPD | Juvenile Crime Prevention Division |
JJIS | Juvenile Justice Information System |
JPO | Junior Police Officer |
JROTC | Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps |
JTPA | Job Training Partnership Act |
JV | Junior Varsity |
JVEF | Joint Venture Education Forum (Military/Schools partnership program) |
K | |
KEEP | Kamehameha Early Education Program |
KIF | Kauai Interscholastic Federation |
KOEC | Keakealani Outdoor Education Center |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
KS | Kamehameha Schools |
L | |
L1 | First Acquired Language |
L2 | Second Acquired Language-English |
LA | Languages |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LAS | Language Assessment Scales |
LC | Learning Center |
LDAH | Learning Disabilities Association of Hawaii |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
| Longitudinal Data System (see LEI Kūlia)
LEA | Local Education Agency (federal) |
| Law Enforcement Assistance Agency |
LEI Kūlia
| Longitudinal Education Information
LEMDT | Lower Extremity Motor Development Test |
LEP | Limited English Proficiency |
LES | Limited English Speakers |
LET | Language Experience Thinking |
LET | Leadership Education and Training |
LG | Lieutenant Governor |
LI | Learning Impaired (preschool) |
LINCS | Literacy Information National Communications System |
LITPRO | Literacy Pro |
LOC | Level of Care |
LN | Lotus Notes |
LP | Learning Progression |
LPDC | Learning Progression Development Cadre |
LPN | Licensed Practical Nurse |
LR | Labor Relations |
LRB | Legislative Reference Bureau |
LRE | Least Restrictive Environment |
LRE | Law Related Education |
LTA | Limited Term Appointment |
LWOP | Leave Without Pay |
M | |
MAB | Merit Appeals Board |
MAC School | Macintosh-based Student Information System |
MAT | Metropolitan Achievement Test |
MAT | Miller Analogies Test |
MBE | Maintenance Bilingual Education |
MBL | Microcomputer Based Laboratory |
MD | Multiple Disability |
MEA | Magnet E-Academy |
MEES | Migrant Education Even Start |
MEP | Migrant Education Program |
MF | Medically Fragile |
MFS | Maintenance of Financial Support |
MFSS | Maui Family Support Services |
MH | Mental Health |
MHPCC | Maui High Performance Computing Center |
MHTSIG | Mental Health Transformation State Incentive Grant |
MI | Marine Instructor |
MIC | Mathematics in Context |
| Military Interstate Compact Childrenʻs Commission
MIL | Maui Interscholastic League |
MIPC | Military Impacted Principals Council |
MISA | Military Impacted Schools Association |
MMSS | Multi Measure Student Screening |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MOE | Maintenance of Effort |
MOF | Means of Financing or Method of Funding |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MOVE | Mililani/Oceanic Video Exploration |
MP | Modification Plan |
MPA | Mark Point Average |
MPS | Military Property Specialist |
MQ | Minimum Qualifications |
MQR | Minimum Qualification Requirements |
MR | Mental Retardation |
MRSA | Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus |
MS | Multiple Sclerosis |
MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheet |
MSL | Multi-sensory Structured Learning |
MSP | Math and Science Partnership |
MTYRE | Multi-Track Year-Round Education |
MV | McKinney-Vento |
N | |
NAACP | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People |
NAAPAE | National Association for Asian and Pacific American Education |
NABE | National Association for Bilingual Education |
NACSA | National Association of Charter School Authorizers |
NAEP | National Assessment of Educational Progress |
NAESP | National Association of Elementary School Principals |
NAFIS | National Association of Federally Impacted Schools |
NAGC | National Association for Gifted Children |
NAPCS | National Alliance for Public Charter Schools |
NAPT | National Association for Pupil Transportation |
NASBE | National Association of State Boards of Education |
NASC | National Association of Student Councils |
NASDSE | National Association of State Directors of Special Education |
NASDTEC | National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification |
NASP | National Association of School Psychologists |
NASSP | National Association of Secondary School Principals |
NATA | National Athletic Trainers' Association |
NAYRE | National Association for Year-Round Education |
NBPTS | National Board for Professional Teaching Standards |
NCAA | National Collegiate Athletic Association |
NCCPCS | New Century Conversion Public Charter School |
NCE | Normal Curve Equivalent |
NCES | National Center for Education Statistics
NCEE | National Center for the Education and the Economy |
NCEO | National Center on Educational Outcomes |
NCFL | National Center for Family Literacy |
NCI | Non-violent Crisis Intervention |
NCIEA | National Center for Improvement of Educational Assessment |
NCLB | No Child Left Behind Act |
NCPCS | New Century Public Charter School |
NCSS | National Council for the Social Studies |
NCTE | National Council of Teachers of English |
NCTM | National Council of Teachers of Math |
NEA | National Education Association |
NEP | Non-English Proficient |
NES | Non-English Speakers |
NetPrep | (A 3Com Program) Computer Data Networking Preparation |
NETS | National Educational Technology Standards |
NFHS | National Federation of State High School Associations |
NFSC | Navy Family Service Center |
NGA | National Governors' Association |
NHEA | Native Hawaii Education in Art |
NIFDI | National Institute for Direct Instruction |
NIFL | National Institute For Literacy |
NII | National Information Infrastructure |
NIOSH | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (EPA) |
NJC | Neighborhood Justice Center |
NLP | Native Language Proficiency |
NMSQT | National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOD | National Origin Desegregation |
NPA | New Principal Academy |
NPEP | Navy Personal Excellence Program |
NRS | National Reporting System (Adult Education) |
NSBA | National School Boards Association |
NSI | Naval Science Instructor |
NSLP | National School Lunch Program |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
NSF-RSI | National Science Foundation – Rural Systemic Initiative |
NSSB | HIDOE's former Network Support Services Branch, now the Enterprise Infrastructure Services Branch (EISB) |
NTE | National Teacher Examination |
NTE | Not To Exceed |
NWREL | Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory |
O | |
OBEMLA | Office for Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs |
OCB | Office of Collective Bargaining |
| Office of Curriculum and Instructional Design (formerly Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Student Support)
OCR | Office for Civil Rights (U.S. Department of Education) |
OD | Orthopedic Disability |
ODD | Oppositional Defiant Disorder |
ODS | Operational Data Store
| Office of the Deputy Superintendent
OEC | Official Enrollment Count |
OELA | Office of English Language Acquisition |
OEQC | Office of Environmental Quality Control |
| Office of Facilities and Operations (formerly Office of School Facilities and Support Services)
OFS | Office of Fiscal Services |
OHA | Office of Hawaiian Affairs
OHCNP | Office of Hawaii Child Nutrition Programs
| Office of Hawaiian Education
OHD | Other Health Disability |
OHI | Other Health Impaired |
OI | Orthopedic Impairment |
OIA | Oahu Interscholastic Association |
OIG | Office of Inspector General |
OIMT | Office of Information Management & Technology |
OIP | Office of Information Practices |
OITS | Office of Information Technology Services |
O&M | Orientation & Mobility |
OME | Office of Migrant Education |
OMS | Operation & Maintenance Section/FSSB |
OPAC | OnLine Public Access Catalog (State Library) |
OS | Occupational Skills |
| Office of the Superintendent
OSDVE | Office of State Director of Vocational Education
OSEP | Office of Special Education Programs (U.S. Department of Education) |
OSERS | Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services |
| Occupational Safety and Health Act (federal)
| Office of Strategy, Innovation and Performance
OSR | Office of Strategic Reform |
| On-site Review
| Office of Student Support Services (formerly Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Student Support)
OSSR | On-site School Review |
OT | Occupational Therapy or Occupational Therapist |
| Onward to Excellence |
| Office of Talent Management (formerly Office of Human Resources [OHR])
OU | Organizational Unit |
OVAE | Office of Vocational and Adult Education (U.S. Department of Education) |
OYC | Olomana Youth Center |
OYS | Office of Youth Services |
P | |
P&R | Parks and Recreation (counties) |
P-20 | Pre-School through 20 (grades); the
P-20 Initiative |
P20W | Preschool thru K12 thru Post Secondary and Workforce |
P/C Days | Planning/Collaboration Days |
PA | Positive Action |
PA | Practical Arts |
PAAC | Pacific and Asian Affairs Council |
PAC | Project Advisory Committee or Parent Advisory Council |
PACER | Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights |
PACOM | Pacific Command (United States) |
PACT | Parents and Children Together |
PAEMST | Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching |
PAFA | Presidential Academic Fitness Awards |
PALC | Performing Arts Learning Center |
PAS | Performance Appraisal System (for Classified/Support Services Personnel) |
PASP | Program Accessible School Plan |
PATH | Program for Assessing Teaching in Hawaii |
PATL | Positive Attitudes Toward Learning (Program) |
PBD | Personnel Development Branch |
Performance-Based Data Management Initiative |
PBIS | Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports |
PBS | Positive Behavioral Support |
PBS | Public Broadcasting System |
| Procurement & Contracts Branch |
PCCS | Public Charter Conversion School |
PCNC | Parent-Community Networking Center |
PCNC DF | Parent-Community Networking Center (District Facilitator) |
PCNC PF | Parent-Community Networking Center (parent-school level facilitator) |
PCOC | Parent Community Outreach Coordinator |
| Public Charter School |
PCSPO | Public Charter Schools Program Office |
PD | Position Description |
PD | Professional Development |
PDB | Personnel Development Branch |
PDCA | Plan-Do-Check-Act |
PD-Credit | Professional Development Credit |
PDERI | Professional Development and Educational Research Institute
PDF | Portable Document Format |
PDMS | Peabody Developmental Motor Scale |
PE | Performance Expectations |
PE | Physical Education |
PE | Physical Examination |
PEMAH | Professional Employee Management Association of Hawaii |
PEP | Peer Education Program |
PEP-SL | Professional Evaluation Program for School Leaders |
PEP-T | Professional Evaluation Program for Teachers |
PERT | Program Evaluation Review Technique |
PERT | Physical Education Resource Teacher |
PHN | Public Health Nurse |
PI | Parent Involvement |
PIA | Parent Involvement Assistant |
Partners in Development Foundation |
PIG | Permitted Interaction Group |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information |
PILWOP | Professional Improvement Leave Without Pay |
PILWP | Professional Improvement Leave With Pay |
PIM | Parent Involvement Model |
PINS | Primary Instructional Needs (for middle/intermediate) Schools |
PIP | Performance Improvement Program |
PLC | Professional Learning Community |
PLD | Performance Level Descriptor |
PLEP | Present Levels of Educational Performance |
PLT | Principles of Learning and Testing (test for teachers) |
PMB | Project Management Branch |
PO | Purchase Order |
POMS | Preschool Outcomes Measurement System |
POPS | Power of Positive Students |
POS | Programs of Study |
P&P | Policies and Procedures |
PPBS | Program Planning Budgeting System |
PPI | Primary Prevention/Intervention |
PRO | Personnel Regional Officer |
PPOP | Pre-Placement Orientation Program |
PPST | Pre-Professional Assessments for Teachers |
PPT | Paraprofessional Tutors |
PPT | Pregnant Parenting |
PRAXIS | Series of Professional Assessments for Teachers |
PREK | Pre-Kindergarten |
PREL | Pacific Resources for Education and Learning |
PS | Partially Sighted |
PSAP | Primary School Adjustment Project |
PSAT | Preliminary SAT (College Board test) |
| Public School Choice |
PSD | Program Support & Development |
PSHF | Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation |
PSN | Procedural Safeguards Notice |
PSP | Professional Services Provider |
PSPP | Private School Participation Project |
PSRC | Performance Standards Review Commission |
Programs and Services for Secondary Alienated/At-Risk Students |
PSSC | Physical Science Study Committee |
PT | Physical Therapist |
PTA | Parent Teacher Association |
PTA | Physical Therapist Assistant |
PTG | Parent Teacher Group |
PTI | Parent Training & Information Center |
PTP | Personal Transition Plan (cmasutomi070723) |
PTSA | Parent Teacher Student Association |
PTSO | Parent Teacher Student Organization |
PTT | Part-Time Temporary Teacher |
PVS Net | Pro Value Services Net |
PW | Public Works Division (State DAGS) |
PWN | Prior Written Notice |
Q | |
QoS | Quality of Service |
QSS | Quality Student Support |
R | |
RCUH | Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii |
REA | Reading Excellence Act |
REACH | Reinventing Education Act for the Children of Hawaii (2004), also known as
Act 51 |
RF | Reading First |
RFA | Request for Assistance |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RFP | Request for Provider (SVM) |
RIF | Reduction in Force |
R&M | Repair and Maintenance |
ROFEC | Regional Operations for Facilities Engineering & Construction |
RN | Registered Nurse |
ROM | Range of Motion |
RPN | Registered Professional Nurse |
RRC | Regional Resource Center |
RS | Reprographic Section |
RSI | Rural Systemic Initiatives |
RSS | Really Simple Syndication |
RT | Resource Teacher |
RT | Regular Classroom Teacher |
RTI | Response to Intervention |
RTP | Return to Activity Plan |
RTTT | Race to the Top |
S | |
SAC | Standard Assessment of Concussion |
SAC | Student Advisory Council (Emergency School Aid Act) |
SAC | Student Activities Coordinator |
SACVE | State Advisory Council on Vocational Education |
SAI | Senior Army Instructor |
SAIP | Special Alternative Instructional Programs |
SAO | Systems Accountability Office |
SAP | School Accountability Program |
SAP | School Attendance Procedure |
SAR | Service Activity Report |
SAR | Superintendent’s Annual Report |
SARSA | School Administrator Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment |
SAS | Special Analytic Study, Student Assessment Section |
SASA | School Administrative Services Assistant |
SASI | Senior Aerospace Science Instructor |
SAT | College Board’s exam formerly known as Scholastic Assessment Test, now just SAT |
SAT | Stanford Achievement Test |
SATEP | State Approved Teacher Education Program |
SATP | School Administrator Training Program |
SBAC | Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium |
SBBH | School-Based Behavioral Health |
SBCOTA | School-Based Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant |
SBE | Standards-Based Education |
SBP | School Breakfast Program |
SBPTA | School-Based Physical Therapist Aide |
SBPTA | School-Based Physical Therapist Assistant |
SBRC | Standards-Based Report Card |
SBRR | Scientifically-Based Reading Research |
SBS | School-Based Services |
SCASS | State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards |
SCBM | School/Community-Based Management |
SCC | School Community Council |
SCIC | School Climate Improvement Committee |
SCIS | Science Curriculum Improvement Study |
SCS | Student-Centered Schools |
SD | Staff Development |
SDFSC | Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities |
SDO | School Documents Online |
SEA | State Education Agency |
SEAC | Special Education Advisory Council |
SEBD | Severe Emotional Behavioral Disturbance |
SEC | School Evaluation Committee |
SEFI | State Educational Facilities Improvement
| Socialemotional Learning
SELI | Statewide Education Leadership Institute |
SEPS | Senior Exit Plans Survey |
SERS | System Evaluation Reporting Section |
SERT | Special Education Resource Teacher |
SES | Special Education Section |
SES | Supplemental Educational Services |
SESAT | School Early Stanford Achievement Test |
SETC | State Employment and Training Council |
SEVR | Special Education Vocational Rehabilitation |
| School Facilities Authority
SFA | School Food Authority
SFCA | State Foundation on Culture and the Arts |
SFSB | School Food Services Branch |
SFSF | State Fiscal Stabilization Fund |
SFSP | Summer Food Service Program |
SFSM | School Food Services Manager |
SFT | Student Focused Team |
SGP | Student Growth Percentile |
SHA | School Health Aide |
SHA | School Home Assistant |
SI | School Improvement |
SI | Sensory Integration |
SID | Standards Implementation Design |
SIE | Statewide Inservice Education |
SIECUS | Sex Information and Education Council of the US |
SIG | State Improvement Grant |
SIMS | School Improvement Management System |
SIMS | Sports Injury Management System |
SINSP | School Inspection Program |
SIOP | Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol |
SIP | Strategic Implementation Plan |
SIPMS | Student Information and Program Management System |
SIS | Student Information Services/Systems |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
SLD | Specific Learning Disability |
SLDS | State Longitudinal Data System |
SLE | Schoolwide Learning Expectations (See ESLRs) |
SLEP | Students of Limited English Proficiency |
SLI | Speech/Language Impaired |
SLO | School Liaison Officer |
SLO | Student Learning Objective |
SLP | Speech Language Pathologist |
SLS | School Library Services (OCISS) |
SLW | Student Leadership Workshop |
Smarter Balanced | Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (formerly SBAC) |
SMC | Special Motivation Class |
SMI | School Meals Initiative |
SMI | Senior Marine Instructor |
SMP | Special Milk Program |
SMP | Special Motivation Program |
SNS | Skilled Nursing Services |
SNSI | Senior Naval Science Instructor |
Sol | Speech or Language Disability |
SOP | Standards of Practice |
SOW | Scope of Work |
SP | Standard Practices |
SPAB | School Process and Analysis Branch |
SPAC | School Parent Advisory Council (Chapter 1) |
SPACE | Strengthening Pacific Area Concentration in Education |
SPEBE | Summer Program for the Enhancement of Basic Education |
SPED | Special Education |
SPIN | Special Parent Information Network |
SPIS | System Planning & Improvement Section |
SPMS | Special Programs Management Section (OCISS) |
SPO | State Procurement Office |
SPOC | Strategic Project Oversight Committee |
SPP | State Performance Plan |
SQS | School Quality Survey |
SR | Salary Range |
SRA | Scholastic Reading Assessment |
SRI | Selection Research, Inc. |
SRI | Scholastic Reading Inventory |
SRP | Self Report of Personality |
SRRS | School Renewal and Redesign Section (OCISS) |
SRS | School Renewal Specialist |
SSAS | Student Services Application Section |
SSB | Student Support Branch |
SSC | Student Services Coordinator |
SSCAC | Safe Schools Community Advisory Committee |
SSEPB | Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness Branch |
| Statewide Student Enrollment System |
| School System Improvement Objective
SSIR | School Status and Improvement Report |
SSIS | Safe School Information System |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer |
SSO | Single Sign-On |
| Seamless Summer Option |
| Student Success Plan
SSP | Support Services Personnel |
SSSC | Secondary School Student Conference |
SSSI | Supplemental Social Security Insurance |
SST | Student Support Team |
SSW | School Social Worker |
ST | Skills Trainer |
STAR | Standardized Test for the Assessment of Reading |
STAR | State Teacher Alternative Route |
STARS | Science Teachers Aboard Research Ships |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics |
STEP | Sequential Test of Educational Process |
STO | Supplemental Time Off |
STSB | Student Transportation Services Branch |
STSSB | School Technology Services and Support Branch |
STWO | School to Work Opportunities |
STYRE | Single-Track Year-Round Education |
SUPT | Superintendent |
SVM | Service Verification Module |
SW | School-wide |
SWV | Summary Warrant Voucher |
SY | School Year |
SZ | Seizures |
T | |
T&A | Time & Attendance |
T3 | Technology Training for Teachers |
TA | Technical Assistance |
TA | Temporary Assignment |
TAC | Technical Advisory Committee |
TANF | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families |
TAOL | Temporary Appointment Outside of List |
TAP | Technical Assistance Panel |
TARC | Technical Architecture Review Committee |
TATP | Teacher Assignment and Transfer Program |
TBE | Transitional Bilingual Education |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury |
TC | Technical Coordinator |
TCE | Temporary Contract Employee |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
TDI | Temporary Disability Insurance |
TDR | Treasury Deposit Receipt |
TDS | Test Development Section |
TECC | Teacher Education Coordinating Committee |
TEPS | Teaching Elementary Physical Science |
TESOL | Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages |
TFA | Teach for America |
TLC | Teacher Leadership Center |
TLC | The Learning Coalition |
TLC | Teacher Learning Community |
TLCF | Technology Literacy Challenge Fund |
TN | Team Nutrition |
TNL | True North Logic |
TOPSPRO | Teaching of Program and Students |
TOR | Teacher of Record |
TOTAL | Transforming Our Teaching And Learning |
TOY | Teacher of the Year |
TP | Telecommunication Project |
TPI | Teacher Perceiver Interview |
TQL | Total Quality Learning |
TQM | Total Quality Management |
TR | Telecom Request |
TRA | Teacher Reading Academy |
TRO | Temporary Restraining Order |
TRS | Teacher Rating Scales |
TSA | Tax Sheltered Annuity |
TSCA | Toxic Substance Control Act (federal) |
TSD | Text Start Date |
TSEAS | Teacher Substitute Employee Automated System |
TSP | Twilight School Program |
TTA | Temporary Teaching Assignment |
TTT | Troops to Teachers |
TVI | Teacher of Visually Impaired |
U | |
UAC | Uniform Account Codes |
UAP | University Affiliated Program |
UBN | Unbudgeted Need |
UHM | University of Hawaii at Manoa |
UIPA | Uniform Information Practices Act |
ULWOP | Unauthorized Leave Without Pay |
UNITAF | Unified Task Force |
UPLINK | Uniting Peer Learning, Integrating New Knowledge |
UPW | United Public Workers |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
USDOE | United States Department of Education |
USSR | Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading |
UST | User Support Technician |
V | |
VCC | Video Conference Center |
VDB | Visual Disability including Blindness |
VI | Visual Impairment |
VICA | Vocational Industry Clubs of America (now called:
SkillsUSA) |
VISTA | Volunteers in Service to America (now called:
AmeriCorps) |
VLA | Volume License Agreement |
VO-TECH | Vocational Technical Program |
VP | Vice Principal |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |
W | |
W-APT | WIDA Access Placement Test |
WAM | Senate Committee on Ways and Means |
WAN | Wide Area Network (for computers) |
WASC | Western Association of Schools and Colleges |
WATER | Waikiki Tidal Exploration and Research |
WATS | Wide Area Telephone Service |
WC | Workers' Compensation |
WCP | Written Complaint Procedure |
WD | Waiver Day |
WIA | Workforce Investment Act |
WIDA | World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment |
WINFMS | Windows-based Financial Management System (FMS) |
WIN School | Windows-based Student Information System |
WISC | Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children |
WL | World Languages |
WPR | Workplace Readiness |
WRRC | Western Regional Resource Center |
WSCA | Western States Contracting Alliance |
WSF | Weighted Student Formula or Weighted Student Funding |
X | |
| |
Y | |
YDP | Youth Development Project |
YEC | Year End Close |
YET | Year End Transition |
YETP | Youth Employment and Training Program |
YGRS | Youth Gang Response System |
YRE | Year-Round Education |
YRBS | Youth Risk Behavior Survey |
YRE/MT | Year-Round Education/Multi-Track |
YRE/ST | Year-Round Education/Single Track |
Z | |
ZSI | Zones of School Innovation |
Other | |
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21st CCLC | 21st Century Community Learning Centers |
619 Coordinators | State District Coordinators for Early Childhood Special Education