About this website, Staff Intranet

Information about the Department's public website and Staff Intranet, which were built to fulfill communications goals of the Strategic Plan.

DOE website

About this website

HawaiiPublicSchools.org replaced a long-running Department website that had, over the years, become a giant repository of internal and external communications, manuals, reports, contacts and other resources. As part of our educational reform efforts spearheaded by the Strategic Plan, the Department was charged with building a streamlined digital platform that made accessing key materials and resources easier for all of our audiences: parents/guardians, students, legislators, volunteers, partners, the broader community, and our employees.

To address this, the Department created two websites: A public website at HawaiiPublicSchools.org, which launched July 15, 2013, and a Staff Intranet at intranet.hawaiipublicschools.org, which employees can access from the Staff Login button in the header of this public website. The Staff Intranet launched on January 27, 2014.

About HawaiiPublicSchools.org

The public website is for everyone interested in education in the State of Hawaii. For families with students in the public school system, there's a host of information about academics: student learning programs, testing, graduation requirements and more. Extracurricular activities and afterschool program options are also available. Quality of life for students and staff in our school communities is a focus of sections including Safe Schools.

Our efforts around data use to guide our growth efforts can be found in the School Data and Reports section, which also contains a host of school-level and state-level reports, from financial to employment to special education. For those interested in learning more about our educational reform efforts that launched in 2010, please click here.

We offer resources to support students and parents — homework and testing assistance, online learning opportunities, and access to support networks for families with various challenges.

Information for people and organizations that want to volunteer or donate to schools is available. We celebrate their efforts, along with our students, staff and schools, on our Success Stories section. There are a great many additional resources to be found on this site — we encourage everyone to take a look to learn more about public education in Hawaii. If you're looking for something and can't find it, please contact the Communications and Community Affairs Office: 784-6200, or doeinfo@k12.hi.us. You can also use this website's Feedback Form to reach us.

Users of this site should be aware of our Terms of Use​.

About the Staff Intranet

The Intranet is accessible by authenticated staff via their Employee ID number. It is structured around state offices and Complex Areas, with related resources and communications issued by each. 

The Intranet is a secure portal to provide proprietary and licensed materials to staff without having to authenticate for each — they simply have to log-in once. Schools also have the ability to submit FERPA-level data to their Complex Area and state offices securely.

Those interested in the Department's secured information may request access to this information via:


Staff can access the intranet by clicking the "Staff Login" link in the upper right corner of this website, or by navigating to https://hidoe.sharepoint.com/. Please contact the IT Help Desk if you need assistance logging in to the Intranet — 808-564-6000 or HATS 8-1-808-692-7250.

Contact Information

Communications Branch

Phone: 808-784-6200

Email: doeinfo@k12.hi.us


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