School Community Council membership and operations

A School Community Council (SCC) requires the collaborative involvement of the stakeholders of the school: principal, teachers, non-certificated staff, students, parents and other community members. SCC program requirements related to membership, governance and operational procedures are specified in the state statute and Board and Department of Education policies.


A School Community Council (SCC) is composed of the principal, teachers, non-certificated staff, students, parents and community members. In all schools (elementary, middle and high), the total number of SCC members may vary, but the law fixes the proportional representation of different stakeholder groups.

  • 50% of the members are from the school staff including the Principal, teachers and non-certificated staff.
  • 50% of the members are parents, students and community members.

Learn more about the specific requirements of the SCC representative from each stakeholder group.


Hawaii statute and Board policy require that each School Community Council develop bylaws to guide their operations. Bylaws provide the framework from which the Council operates. See Sample SCC Bylaws from which to develop individual school SCC Bylaws.

The following procedure should be followed in submitting the school SCC Bylaws.

  1. Schools will submit their completed bylaws to the Complex Area Superintendent (CAS) for review and approval.
  2. Once the bylaws are reviewed, the CAS will return them to the school’s SCC with recommendations for improvement, if needed.
  3. The SCC should consider the recommendations, make appropriate revisions to the bylaws, and submit 3 copies to the CAS for approval.
  4. The CAS will forward an approved copy of the SCC bylaws to the state SCC office.

All SCCs should elect members based on the guidelines in the SCC Bylaws. Special elections can be held if there are vacant positions or if election procedures have been challenged. All DOE public schools are required to hold SCC elections. The principal is charged with providing leadership and oversight for the election process. Each school is to maintain a SCC member list from year to year on the school's website. The SCC member list should be updated as membership changes. Learn more about the nomination and election process. View sample forms.

The state statute calls for the election of officers. Each SCC is required to elect officers, including:

  • A chairperson;
  • A vice-chairperson;
  • A secretary; and
  • Other officers as needed to perform stated duties in support of the work of the council.

Principals are not able to be elected as the chairperson of the SCC due to a conflict of interest in the appeal process and the evaluation of the principal. However, the principal will work collaboratively with the SCC chairperson to provide leadership for the Council.

The current list of SCC Officers should be posted on the school website and submitted to the state SCC Office.

Regular meetings of the School Community Council must be convened to encourage and facilitate increased participation and input by parents, students, community members, and the school staff in the affairs of the schools. Public notice of SCC meetings must be posted not less than six (6) calendar days prior to the SCC meeting. See Public Notice of Meetings for specific guidelines regarding the posting of SCC meeting notices, agenda and minutes.

The following tools and resources are provided to support SCCs in planning and conducting effective meetings.

SCCs are also expected to hold at least two (2) Community Meetings during the school year. The Community Meetings provide for public accountability, opportunities for input, collaboration, and communication with members of the school community. The purpose of the meetings is to encourage the sharing of ideas and provide input to the development of the school’s Academic Plan and Financial Plans. The Guidelines for Community Meetings provide direction on roles, responsibilities and strategies for conducting effective community meetings.

Board Policy 500-19 specifically calls for a decision making process that may be used by the school community council — a process that includes a fallback procedure whereby the final recommendations of the school community council are made by majority vote, by the principal, or by some other method that is agreed upon by the school community council.

The following tools and resources are provided to guide and help SCCs with the implementation of the decision making process.

The SCC Self Assessment Survey sets a clear and consistent standard for the core elements of an effective SCC. The online survey is utilized to collect data annually on the quality of the SCC implementation at each school and for the system. A school's current SCC members should complete it at the end of the school year.

Data from the survey is used to help determine action plans in building and improving the effectiveness of the School Community Council. Learn more about the SCC Self Assessment Survey Instrument and Process.

Refer to the SCC Activities Checklist and Timeline for a calendar of key SCC activities and due dates.

Contact Information

Community Engagement Branch

Phone: (808) 305-0691



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