Board of Education approves first phase of 6-year strategic plan


Phase II of the plan will consist of the implementation plan, which includes the strategies and metrics that the Department and Board will use to reach the goals.

News Release

​The first phase of the State of Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan was unanimously approved by the Hawaii State Board of Education (Board) at its February 2 meeting. The first phase of the strategic plan includes the mission, vision, core values, priorities, goals, and the desired outcomes for Hawaii’s K-12 public education system.  

“The first phase of the strategic plan establishes goals that we will collectively work towards to create a system of public schools that will inspire our students,” said Board Chairperson Bruce Voss. “This plan will help us to focus our efforts and resources in areas with the greatest challenges, including recovering from the loss of learning, especially for our most vulnerable students, ensuring schools are fully staffed, and addressing the plight of our aging school facilities.” 

Phase II of the plan will consist of the implementation plan, which includes the strategies and metrics that the Department and Board will use to reach the goals. The Board plans to review and approve the implementation plan by May 2023. 

"The Department appreciates the Board's diligent efforts to develop a strategic vision and overarching goals to help elevate public education in Hawai‘i and set a clear path forward," Superintendent Keith Hayashi said. "The second phase of the strategic planning process will be critical as we work together with our entire tri-level team — state offices, complex areas and schools — to determine how best to implement our shared goals, and measure meaningful progress. It will take all of us working together, in the spirit of ne‘epapa, to make this plan a reality and ensure all students reach their fullest potential." 

Phase I of the plan was developed using a comprehensive community engagement process, which included two surveys, community meetings in each of the Department’s 15 complex areas, multiple public meetings dedicated to the development and discussion of the strategic plan and meetings with legislators and community organizations. The two surveys, combined, had close to 13,000 responses and 903 participants attended the community meetings. The Board engaged with various stakeholders, which included students, parents, guardians, teachers, school administrators, school staff, complex area and state level staff, representatives from community organizations, and other members of the public.  

"The Board takes seriously the public's concerns and insights and hopes that this strategic plan represents the priorities of our families, teachers, administrators, and, most importantly, our students," said Board Chairperson Bruce Voss. 

At the meeting, Board Chairperson Voss expressed his appreciation for Robert Hull, Senior Advisor of the National Association of State Boards of Education for guiding the Board through this process and facilitating the discussions that led to the creation of the plan. 

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