Pearl City band director continues to impress with his music achievements


Pearl City band director Chad Kamei continues to receive accolades for his musical talents in the classroom. After being awarded the Bandworld Legion of Honor, earlier this year, the American Bandmasters Association announced it selected Kamei as one of its newest members during its 82nd convention.

​​​​​​​​​​After being awarded the Bandworld Legion of Honor, earlier this year, Chadwick Kamei can now add his name among the most prestigious memberships in the United States. On Saturday, March 5, the American Bandmasters Association announced it selected the Pearl City High School Director of Bands, as one of its newest members during its 82nd convention.

"Congratulations to Mr. Kamei for this outstanding recognition, we look forward to seeing more from this talented director and his students at Pearl City," said Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi. "Mr. Kamei's passion for music is making an impact not only in his students but also among his professional peers."

Kamei has led the band program at Pearl City High School for nine years.

"This membership is an amazing opportunity for all band programs throughout the state. I'm hoping it will serve as a platform to promote all Hawaii's band students on a national level as well as the efforts of my fellow band directors," said Kamei. "I've been blessed with brilliant band teachers that have inspired me throughout high school and college, and I wouldn't be where I am today without their mentorship and support." 

Kamei is the fourth Hawaii band director to be inducted into the American Bandmasters Association. The others include Michael Nakasone, former Pearl City High School band director, Richard Lum and Grant Okamura, both from the University of Hawaii.  ​

A graduate of Castle High School, Kamei earned a bachelor's and master's degree in music education from the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

The American Bandmasters Association was founded in 1929. There are currently 300 members in the US and Canada, which includes band conductors and composers, and 80 associate members from the music business and corporations that provide significant services to bands and to the publication of band music. The goal of the Association is to recognize outstanding achievement in the field of Concert Band and its music, as well as to strive for an increasingly higher standard of artistic excellence for the Concert Band, its performers, conductors and literature. To learn more, visit

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