Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) is teaming up with Hawaii
3R’s to raise funds towards cooling schools. Hawaii 3R’s is a local
nonprofit organization aimed to Repair, Remodel, Restore Hawaii’s public
HIDOE has been working on long-term
solutions to cool classrooms that lack air conditioning units. However,
the record-breaking temperatures have caused extreme conditions in
classrooms and the Department is purchasing temporary solutions such as
portable AC units and fans.
Hawaii 3R’s is providing a venue to allow for donations to this cause.
“This year’s heat has been unbearable for
many across the state, especially in classrooms that are without cooling
units,” said Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi. “We’re very grateful to
all who have made donations to their schools and have expressed the
desire to help. This partnership with Hawaii 3R’s provides an
opportunity to donate funds so that schools can make the purchases that
fit their immediate needs to cool classrooms.”
Hawaii 3R’s is accepting monetary donations
to reimburse schools who purchase fans and other heat-relief items.
HIDOE recently requested an exemption to
state procurement rules to make an emergency purchase of up to 250
portable AC units to place in high priority classrooms for heat-relief.
According to the National Weather Service,
high temperatures and humidity this summer have produced about 50 high
temperature records.