BOE approves renaming of Hale Kula Elementary to honor Senator Daniel K. Inouye


The Hawaii State Board of Education (BOE) approved the renaming of Hale Kula Elementary School to Daniel K. Inouye Elementary School. Built in 1959, the school currently services more than 800 students from special education pre-school to fifth grade.

A new classroom building on campus that opened earlier this year.

Photo Credit: Department of Education

​​​The Hawaii State Board of Education (BOE) approved the renaming of Hale Kula Elementary School to Daniel K. Inouye Elementary School during its meeting today. The new name is effective immediately.

"Senator Inouye's commitment to Hawaii's public schools throughout his career continues to benefit thousands of students, from securing federal resources to advocating for military families," said Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi. "The late Senator's legacy lives on and naming this school in his honor is fitting for all he's done for Hawaii and the service to his country."  

Located at Schofield Barracks, which was the home of Senator Inouye's 442nd Regimental Combat Team, 99 percent of the students are military impacted with most of them having a parent that's a soldier in one of the military branches.

The school recently received $26.6 million from U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and $6.6 million of the Hawaii State Department of Education's budget to upgrade its administration building, two-story classroom building, a student center and library-media center, additional classrooms, and renovation of existing classrooms. As Chair of the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Inouye played an integral role in getting funding to support this type of facility repairs for schools that serve military children.

"In light of all of the exciting changes going on at our school, our history and location, it is fitting that we have been given the honor to change our name to Daniel K. Inouye Elementary School," said Principal Jan Iwase. "The feedback from the community was very positive, and we look forward to promoting our school and successes under this new name." ​

Daniel K. Inouye Elementary School was built in 1959, and currently services more than 800 students from special education pre-school to fifth grade. For more information about the school, visit  

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