Parents and guardians of students enrolled at any Hawaii public or charter school during school year 2019-20 are invited to take 15 minutes to complete the survey (one survey per child) now until June 30, 2020. The survey is available in English, Ilokano, Chuukese, Tagalog and Marshallese.
Those who complete the survey will have the opportunity to enter a prize drawing for a new iPad or Chromebook. Once the survey is submitted, a thank you message will appear with a link to enter the drawing.
Survey results are intended to help HIDOE and schools better understand the progression of distance learning and areas of need across the state. Your feedback is essential in planning for the new school year.
Survey questions can be viewed here: English, Ilokano, Chuukese, Tagalog, Marshallese.
All surveys are completely confidential -- no one at the school, complex area or state office will be able to connect responses back to the individuals.
To help promote family participation, please download and share this flyer.