Ewa Makai Middle School teacher wins $2,500 educational grant


Ewa Makai Middle School Student Activities Coordinator Vanessa Ching was awarded a $2,500 educational grant as part of the Thank America’s Teachers 2016 initiative, sponsored by Farmers Insurance.

​Ewa Makai Middle School Student Activities Coordinator Vanessa Ching was awarded a $2,500 educational grant as part of the Thank America's Teachers 2016 initiative, sponsored by Farmers Insurance.  Ching was selected as Hawaii's awardee among 60 winners nationwide for a holistic teaching proposal that combines both indoor and outdoor lessons on sustainability.

"The school incorporates gardening, aquaculture, composting, and farming efforts outside the classroom and those activities then translate into indoor classroom lessons to provide students a green curriculum that demonstrates healthy and sustainable alternatives," said Ching.  "These programs benefit the students by instilling core health values… and influence their lives to be healthier."

Farmers Insurance will give away more than $1 million in educational grants to teachers nationwide throughout the year in support of innovative educational projects.  Click here for more details


About the Hawaii State Department of Education
The Hawaii State Department of Education is the ninth-largest U.S. school district and the only statewide educational system in the country.  It is comprised of 256 schools and 34 charter schools, and serves more than 180,000 students.  King Kamehameha III established Hawaii's public school system in 1840. To learn more, visit HawaiiPublicSchools.org.

Contact Information

Donalyn Dela Cruz

Phone: 808-586-3232

Email: donalyn_dela_cruz@hawaiidoe.org

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