Hawai‘i State Department of Education (HIDOE) schools will continue to offer a comprehensive menu of engaging summer programming to support student learning.
“We aim to continue our momentum in accelerating student learning by ensuring that all students have equitable access to summer learning opportunities,” Superintendent Keith Hayashi said. “The robust summer learning programs offered by schools will provide students with personalized support based on specific needs ranging from remediation to advancement. We encourage families to reach out to their school for specific details on programs and registration.”
HIDOE summer programs and services, which span all grade levels from a transition program for incoming kindergartners to paid summer internships for graduating seniors, will be offered to students via the models described below. Families should check with their child’s school for specific details of each program.
Official Summer School
The official HIDOE summer school program aims to provide students with supplementary instruction for student enrichment, remediation, credit advancement or credit recovery purposes for grades K-12. Students in grades 9-12 also have the opportunity to register for summer learning through Hawai‘i Online Courses (HOC), formerly known as E-School. Click here for a list of current summer school offerings.
School-based Summer Learning Hubs
Summer learning hubs are designed at the school or complex area level based on student needs. Instruction is for remediation or credit recovery, intervention, enrichment, and transition programs. Program dates and instructional models will vary by school. For more information and a map of current HIDOE school-based summer learning hubs, please see here.
Kindergarten Summer Start
The Summer Start Kindergarten Transition Program provides a free, summer classroom experience for new incoming kindergartners with little or no preschool experience. Hosted at the child’s anticipated elementary school, the program focuses on student behaviors and school routines to increase students’ confidence and foster a sense of independence. For a list of participating schools, click here.
Specialized Student Support
Extended learning opportunities will be available for students needing specialized services and support. These programs include Extended School Year (ESY), English Learner Extended Learning Opportunities, Special Support Programs for students with disabilities, and Alternative Learning Program Support and Services (ALPSS).
Accelerated Learning
Early College programs, a collaboration between the HIDOE and the University of Hawai‘i system, will be offered to students in grades 9-12 for accelerated learning. Eligible students can earn college credits while satisfying high school diploma requirements (dual credit) upon successful course completion.
College, Career and Community Learning
Opportunities include summer internships sponsored by the HIDOE state office or internships arranged by the school, as well as transition and on-ramp programs to support high school students preparing for post-secondary education and careers.
For more information on the HIDOE summer programs and opportunities, please visit bit.ly/HIDOEsummerlearning or check with your child’s school for specific details.