Hanalei Elementary to reopen Monday, April 23


Hanalei Elementary will reopen for all students, teachers and staff on Monday, April 23. The school was closed for four days following heavy rains that flooded areas of the campus.

Hanalei Elementary will reopen for all students, teachers and staff on Monday, April 23. The school was closed for four days following heavy rains that flooded areas of the campus.

The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) yesterday sent crews to assess the campus environment. Portables that were affected by floodwaters have been cleaned with the assistance and support of school staff, parents as well as business and community supporters.

"We thank Principal Tahara'a Stein, teachers and staff, parents, business, community supporters, HIDOE and other agencies for their efforts in working together in helping the school reopen," said Bill Arakaki, Kauai Complex Area Superintendent.

The Department of Health Waste Water Branch guidance on the open/play areas at Hanalei Elementary recommended keeping children away from the area until the ground has dried out and been exposed to the sun for several days. The areas have been marked-off with caution tape and are temporarily off limits to students and staff.

School bus service will resume operation for students residing in Hanalei who attend Hanalei Elementary, Kapaa Middle and Kapaa High schools. Bus service for students living in Waikomo, Wainiha and Haena remains temporarily suspended and will resume when Kuhio Highway reopens.

Contact Information

Donalyn Dela Cruz

Phone: 808-586-3232

Email: donalyn_dela_cruz@hawaiidoe.org

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