HONOLULU – With the new school year beginning Aug. 1, the Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) reminds schools and parents about health guidance on preventing heat illness.
"We have been working hard to cool classrooms across the state, however, with increased heat and humidity, it's important to revisit tips on preventing heat exhaustion," stated Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi. "In addressing heat concerns, we met with Principals to discuss options of moving students to cooler areas of their campuses if necessary."
Next week, letters from HIDOE and the Department of Health will be sent home to parents providing health recommendations, which include helping students prepare for hot days.
A year ago, high temperatures prompted HIDOE to post Heat-Related Guidelines in all classrooms and school offices. Those guidelines are also posted on the Department's website.
Meanwhile, HIDOE's heat abatement efforts have resulted in more than 400 portable classrooms with heat reflective materials, 139 classrooms installed with ceiling fans, 109 classrooms equipped with portable ACs, and upgrades to electrical systems at schools across the state.
Work towards the Governor's goal of installing air conditioning units in 1,000 classrooms is also ongoing. Learn more about the ongoing heat abatement projects.