‘Infofinder i’ web app provides school bus transportation information


As part of the Hawaii State Department of Education's ongoing effort to modernize Hawaii's pupil transportation system, the Student Transportation Services Branch has launched a bus stop locator/bus schedule information web application called, "Infofinder i."

Infofinder i web application photo

The Infofinder i web application allows users to search for the nearest school bus stop to a home address, and includes important information like morning pick-up and afternoon drop-off times.

Photo Credit: Department of Education

As part of the Hawaii State Department of Education's ongoing effort to modernize Hawaii's pupil transportation system, the Student Transportation Services Branch has launched a bus stop locator/bus schedule information web application called, "Infofinder i."

"We're pleased to offer this new platform that will incorporate technology and our student transportation system," said Dann Carlson, assistant superintendent of the Office of School Facilities and Support Services. "Instead of calling your child's school, you can directly access the school bus route information online in a convenient and easy manner."

The new system will enable parents and guardians to search for the nearest school bus stop to a home address. The website also provides morning pick-up and afternoon drop-off times for all school grade levels statewide.

The "Infofinder i" link will also be posted on individual school websites. For general inquiries and further bus route assistance, please contact your child's school. 

school bus photoHow to Find Your Bus Route

  • Visit www.hawaiischoolbus.com.
  • Select home state from the dropdown menu (Hawaii).
  • Click on "Hawaii Department of Education" link.
  • Enter a street name or residential address.
  • Users will have the option to modify their school search selection via a dropdown menu.
  • Results are displayed in a list and map form.

Note: Bus stop assignments will only populate for your child's school if you are living in an eligible neighborhood (over 1 mile from school for elementary, over 1.5 miles for middle/high school students), and there is a safe bus stop in your area. If you do not receive a bus stop assignment for your child's school and believe that your address is located within an eligible service area, please contact your child's school for assistance.

Contact Information

Communications Office

Phone: 808-586-3232

Email: doe_info@hawaiidoe.org

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