Kailua High School will welcome students, parents, and guests to its new, state of the art Natural Science Lab Building this afternoon. Dedicated to the study of Microbiology and Life Sciences, the building boasts four classrooms, two computer labs and an aquaculture multiuse area.
"We are excited about the opportunities and discoveries that students will experience in the school's new Natural Science Lab," said Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi. "Now that we're implementing Next Generation Science Standards, this lab will help to expand science learning for the future."
The Natural Science Lab Building took 12 years to plan and construct with input from community partners like the John A. Burns School of Medicine and Hawaii Pacific University. Courses that will be offered by Kailua High School in the new building include Biology, Microbiology, Natural Resources Core, Marine Science and Directed Studies Science.
"The natural science lab building enables our school to provide curriculum and instruction in an environment that is academically rigorous and instructionally relevant to the students' personal, educational and career goals," said Principal Francine Honda. "Our students are familiar with concepts such as "living off the land" and "sustainable farming and fishing" as a result of family and school experiences, however, with further inquiry, research and experiences our students will develop a deeper appreciation and sense of responsibility for their culture, traditions and the natural resources in their environment. Their lab experiences and learning serves as a bridge between the past, the present and what could be in the future."
Early College High School Program courses will also be offered in the new building and includes Botany 105 – Ethnobotany and Botany 160 – Identification of Tropical Plants. These courses are offered through a partnership with Windward Community College and are available for Kailua High School students who are interested and qualify to take dual credits.
"You can see the excitement in our students' faces, it has reenergized them and created a buzz on campus about our science classes," said John Feurer, department head, Kailua High School. "Since our Natural Science Lab is the only building in the Department with a lab suitable for teaching microbiology, we hope to serve as a hub and example for other schools who want to expand their science program."
For more information about Kailua High School's new Natural Science Lab Building, visit http://kailuahs.wix.com/kailuahigh.