HONOLULU –Kaiser High School's Computer Science Club spent their last Spring Break Saturday providing a special coding workshop for 20 Koko Head Elementary students and their parents. Ranging from kindergarten to Grade 5, the Koko Head students used hands-on training programs and worked one-on-one with Kaiser students to learn the basics of coding.
"Learning to code helps to hone skills like logic, procedural thinking, troubleshooting and teamwork, and these abilities are central to our efforts in boosting college, career and community readiness for all of our students," said Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi. "It is magnificent that our Kaiser students are so adept at coding that they can to help to train our elementary students."
Coding activities included everything from basic commands to gaming activities that teach fundamentals like sequencing, order and cause and effect, all in an informal and fun setting. Students also got to experience Virtual Reality using a pair of VR goggles.
"I would always see my dad typing away on the keyboard, so I got into computers in about the second or third grade, but it wasn't until middle school that I got serious about learning a particular coding language," said Sophomore Jaron Schreiber, Kaiser High Computer Club President. "Today it's ever more important to become computer literate and I hope that what (the Koko Head students) learn today will help them in the future."
Koko Head Elementary hopes to continue this teaching relationship with Kaiser High's Computer Science Club to sharpen their students' computer skills into their future career pathways.
"As an educator, it's so gratifying to see older students 'pay it forward' and give back to younger students," said Koko Head Elementary Principal Jeffrey Shitaoka. "Coding skills have many benefits and it gives students a growth mindset, problem-solving skills and a collaborative and resilient attitude that will benefit them into whatever path they choose."
Code workshops take place at dozens of public schools annually and students can do online training courses anytime at home at studio.code.org.