HONOLULU — Koko Head Elementary and Mililani ʻIke Elementary on Oʻahu, have been named 2024 National Blue Ribbon Schools by the U.S. Department of Education in recognition of their high academic achievement.
The Blue Ribbon program honors public and private elementary, middle and high schools based on high academic performance and progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups. The two Hawaiʻi schools were among 356 school winners nationwide announced today by U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona.
“National Blue Ribbon Schools set the standard of excellence in teaching and learning across the nation,” Superintendent Keith Hayashi said. “We are incredibly proud to have Koko Head Elementary and Mililani ʻIke Elementary representing our Hawaiʻi public schools as shining examples of rigorous and well-rounded learning environments where students become globally competitive and locally committed. Congratulations to the students, teachers, staff and families for their collective efforts on this well-deserved achievement.”
Koko Head Elementary and Mililani ʻIke Elementary both met the National Blue Ribbon Schools award criteria for the “Exemplary High-Performing Schools” by ranking among Hawaiʻi’s highest performing schools in English Language Arts and mathematics as measured by state assessments.
Koko Head Elementary

Koko Head Elementary’s performance exceeded statewide averages in English language arts by 10 percentage points and in math by 16 percentage points. A National Blue Ribbon School awardee in 2011, the school, which serves over 300 students, aims to educate the whole child, encouraging students to be well-rounded contributors to their communities. As part of this commitment, Koko Head emphasizes social-emotional learning to help reinforce positive behavior and character among students.
In January 2019 the school became an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, authorized to implement the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) to all students. As an IB World School, all students, starting in kindergarten, receive Japanese instruction, where they are taught conversational Japanese with an emphasis on Japanese culture. To further diversify learning, all students additionally receive classes in computer science, Hawaiian studies and yoga. The school attributes its achievements to its staff mindset of a collective responsibility for student success, the valuing of student inquiry and voice as essential components of learning, and high-quality professional development for teachers.
Mililani ʻIke Elementary

Mililani ʻIke Elementary’s performance exceeded statewide averages in English language arts by 15 percentage points and in math by 30 percentage points. The school, serving nearly 460 students, strives to provide diverse opportunities that help students develop academically, socially and emotionally to confidently pursue their interests and goals. Mililani ʻIke attributes its success to its intentional, data-driven instruction, along with its wide variety of explorational learning experiences for students. Instructional practices and student progress are continuously monitored through formative assessments, with data analysis informing instructional revisions and action planning to address student strengths and needs.
In effort to enhance a comprehensive learning experience, the school prides itself as the only elementary school in their complex to offer a grade K-5 World Languages program, where students can learn the fundamentals in Japanese and cultivate an enthusiasm for learning a foreign language. Mililani ʻIke also uniquely offers a Math Lab for students to experiment and explore number and operation skills in fun and competitive ways. Additional extracurricular activities like National History Day, orchestra, or athletic groups like cross country, track and basketball, are also offered to students seeking to explore and develop their passions and interests.
A ceremony to celebrate the awardees will be held in Washington, D.C., in November. For more information on the National Blue Ribbon Schools program, please visit: http://www.ed.gov/nationalblueribbonschools.