Students explore career and college options at Hawaii P-20 Middle School Career Industry Fair


Students from eight middle schools on Oahu were able to explore career and post-secondary education options at the Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education’s Middle School Career Industry Fair. Exhibitors representing nine Career and Technical Education pathways were on hand to speak with students

​Students from eight middle schools on Oahu were able to explore career and post-secondary education options this morning at the Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education's Middle School Career Industry Fair. 550 students from Central Middle, Washington Middle, Dole Middle, Stevenson Middle, Waimanalo Elementary & Intermediate, Waianae Intermediate, Nanakuli High & Intermediate and Waipahu Intermediate were able to mingle with 50 exhibitors from a variety of companies and colleges.

"Hawaii P-20 is a valuable partner for the Department, and this event is an example of the wonderful opportunities they provide for our students by exposing them to various career and post-secondary education options," said Superintendent Matayoshi. "By starting this process with our middle schoolers, it provides additional time throughout high school for them to think about their college or career pathway."

The goal of today's event, which was held at the Hawaii Convention Center, was to introduce students to high skill, high demand careers so they can start planning for their future. Prior to attending, students took a test to assess their skills and interests. Students were given a "Passport" at the event and tasked with visiting five exhibitors and referencing the results of their test for guidance on which ones to visit.

Exhibitors representing nine Career and Technical Education pathways were on hand to speak with students including Hawaii Pacific Health, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Oceanit, National Security Agency, Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific, Kupu, and more.

"We got to experience different careers paths we could possibly take in the future, and I feel like it gave me an idea of what I want to pursue," shared Bree Turner, seventh grader at Stevenson Middle. "I really liked the culinary arts [exhibit] because they looked like they really enjoyed what they were doing, and I want to pursue a career where I'll be satisfied."

For more information about Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education and their initiatives to prepare Hawaii's students for college and careers, click here

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