Additional contractors sought for heat abatement work


Contractors will have the chance to qualify to work on heat abatement projects at Hawaii public schools.

​​​The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) is requesting for qualified contractors interested in working on heat abatement projects, including air conditioning public school classroom, to apply. The state process requires interested contractors to first submit a request to participate in the qualification process.

 "The goal was to prequalify contractors in order to have them ready to move quickly on the heat abatement projects once funding was in place," said Dann Carlson, assistant superintendent of the Office of School Facilities and Support Services. "Unfortunately, numerous contractors were unaware of the prequalifying process despite multiple notices."

In March, HIDOE began a multi-step process to pre-qualify contractors for heat abatement work.  Notices were distributed to more than 3,000 vendors registered on the Hawaii Electronic Procurement System (HePS) on the process for the Intent to Bid. The Office of School Facilities and Support Services made additional reminders and extended the application deadline twice.

To expand the current pool of "qualified" contractors, HIDOE is reopening the process to qualify additional general contractors with A or B licenses.

Contractors who are registered on HePS for construction related work have received an email message alerting them of the solicitation for this two-step Initiation for Bid (IFB) process. Interested contractors can also access the two-step solicitation to qualify for the air conditioning projects and other construction work with HIDOE directly at:

Only qualified contractors of the two-step bid will be able to access the Heat Abatement solicitations on HePS.

Heat abatement projects that are part of the initiative have been posted on HePS and are also listed on the HIDOE website at:

For more information please call Christian Butt at 808-784-5012. 

Contact Information

Donalyn Dela Cruz

Phone: 808-586-3232



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