HIDOE launches new online student bus pass application and payment option


HIDOE has launched an online bus pass application and payment feature for parents and guardians. Parents who have an email address in their student’s profile will receive an automated email message today with instructions to apply.

The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) Student Transportation Services Branch (STSB) has launched an online bus pass application and payment feature for parents and guardians. Parents who have an email address in their student’s profile will receive an automated email message today with instructions to apply for school bus passes online or can visit https://hi.etrition.com/busapplication to sign up.

Families with multiple students will receive separate emails for each child and should complete applications for each one. If the application is approved, parents will be prompted to submit payments online using EZSchoolPay and they will receive a receipt and temporary bus pass with the child's name, school, and assigned route number that can be printed at home. The temporary pass will enable immediate student access to the bus service. Free school bus transportation recipients can print their temporary bus pass at any time. Permanent bus pass cards will be available at the school office five to seven days after payment. Paper applications and in-person payments will still be available at school offices. 

“The health and safety of our haumana continues to be a top priority. The development of these online systems were planned prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and will provide not only a more convenient and efficient process, but also improve safety with a contactless experience for families,” Superintendent Dr. Christina Kishimoto said. "We ask for patience and flexibility from our school communities as school bus pick up and drop off times are adjusted to accommodate proper health and safety guidelines.”

Students will be asked to observe safe social distancing at bus stops. Per Hawaii Department of Health guidelines, face coverings will be required for students riding buses. High-touch points on school buses, such as handrails and seat back tops, will be cleaned and sanitized after each route. 

Due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 situation, the Annual bus pass plan option has been temporarily removed and only Quarterly plans and one-way bus coupons will be offered. The price of one-way coupons has also been reduced from $12.50 to $10 for a sheet of ten.

Families are also reminded that the unused portions of school year 2019-20 bus passes and unused bus coupons are eligible for refunds. Unused bus coupons must be returned to the school office from which they were purchased in order to be eligible for a refund. Parents and guardians who want more information or are inquiring on the status of their refund can contact their local student transportation office.

  • Honolulu District: 784-6864
  • Central District: 622-0537
  • Leeward District: 687-9519
  • Windward District: 233-3680
  • Kauai District: 241-7120
  • Maui District: 243-1171
  • West Hawaii: 327-9500
  • East Hawaii: 974-6411

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