Randall Tanaka appointed as Assistant Superintendent for Office of Facilities and Operations


Randall Tanaka has been named assistant superintendent for the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education’s Office of Facilities and Operations. He will oversee construction and maintenance of school facilities and operations of food services, transportation and security.

Photo of Assistant Superintendent Randall Tanaka, Office of Facilities & Operations

Randall Tanaka has been named assistant superintendent for the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education’s Office of Facilities and Operations. He will oversee construction and maintenance of school facilities and operations of food services, transportation and security.

“Mr. Tanaka is poised and ready to lead our Facilities and Operations team in implementation of Board priorities, my Superintendent priorities, and the 2030 Promise Plan,” said Superintendent Dr. Christina Kishimoto. “He is committed to ensuring all students and the educators who lead, teach and support them walk onto a public school campus every morning with excellent facilities that reflect 21st century instructional spaces that inspire educational innovation and a discovery approach to learning and teaching.”

Prior to his appointment, Tanaka served as deputy director of the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT). He previously served as president and executive director of the 2016 World Conservation Congress event in Honolulu and was responsible for the logistics of hosting over 10,000 delegates from 190 countries. Tanaka also previously served as chief operating officer of the 2011 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Hawaiʻi Host Committee; Director of Commercial and Auxiliary Enterprises, Safety and Security, at the University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges; and in various capacities at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center and in the hospitality industry.

“I stand ready to overcome the challenges that come with maintaining an infrastructure system as large as our public schools,” added Tanaka. “I know there are good people currently on staff and I look forward to collaborating with them as well as the Department’s partners and contractors to develop new approaches to ensure our operations are effective and serve our students and educators well.” 

Tanaka holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM) and lectures at the UHM Travel Industry Management School. He holds a wide range of professional affiliations including the Professional Convention Management Association, the International Association of Venue Management and the United States-Japan Hawaiʻi Council.

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Phone: (808) 784-6200

Email: doeinfo@k12.hi.us

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