Strive HI System replaces parts of NCLB


​​​​The Department is pleased to announce it has received federal approval for the Strive HI Performance System, designed to ensure all students graduate college- and career-ready. The new school accountability and improvement system granted by the U.S. Department of Education replaces many requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) with multiple measures of success to meet the needs of Hawaii’s students, educators and schools.

Strive HI Steps

Strive HI Index: Using multiple measures to understand a school's performance and progress. Schools receive a score out of a possible 400 points.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​“Approval to move forward with the Strive HI Performance System validates our strategic direction and allows us to build on Hawaii’s successes,” stated Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi. “With the new system, we are more focused on college- and career-readiness, rewarding high-performing schools and customizing support to students, educators and schools with strategies proven in the Zones of School Innovation.”

Winning a Race to the Top grant in 2010, the Department established two Zones of School Innovation (ZSI) that targeted support for struggling schools in rural or remote, hard-to-staff areas serving the largest population of native Hawaiian and economically-disadvantaged students in the state.

​The Strive HI Performance System is a culmination of work by Hawaii educators, parents, community groups, and higher education. It replaces NCLB’s most ineffective and outdated components with meaningful benchmarks aligned with goals of the Department/Board of Education State Strategic Plan:​​​

No Child Left Behind
Strive HI Performance System (2013 - )

Who designed the system?

The federal government
designed the system based on
an outdated approach to
school reform

Hawaii stakeholders designed the system to align to the BOE/DOE State Strategic Plan’s 2012 vision of success

What is the system’s focus?

Proficiency in reading and math

Readiness for college and careers

How is school performance measured?

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) measures school performance based mostly on one test, the Hawaii State Assessment (HSA) reading and math scores in grades 3-10

The Strive HI Index measures school performance and progress, using multiple measures of student achievement, growth and readiness for success after high school, including: HSA reading and math scores; end-of-course science assessments; chronic absenteeism; 8th and 11th grade ACT scores in reading, English, math and science; high school graduation rates; and college enrollment

How are school performance targets set?

All schools are held accountable to meeting one national, aspirational target, regardless
of current challenges

Each school is held accountable to meeting ambitious and attainable goals that are customized to each school complex (a high school and its feeder schools), based on current performance

Which students are schools held accountable

All schools are held accountable for the performance of student subgroups that do not fully
reflect Hawaii’s student population

All schools are held accountable for the performance of all of Hawaii’s students and student subgroups that reflect the state’s student population

How are schools supported for improvement?

Schools are required to use federally-designed, one-size-
fits-all interventions

Based on the 5 Strive HI Steps, schools receive customized rewards, support and interventions that have proven successful in Hawaii’s schools

The Strive HI Performance System not only reflects the State Strategic Plan, it aligns and connects with state education policies and initiatives including Common Core State Standards, updated assessments, more rigorous diploma and graduation requirements, successful school improvement strategies in the ZSI and robust teacher and principal evaluation and support systems.

“We are proud of the work happening at every level of Hawaii’s public education system to prepare students for real-world demands and provide better data, tools and support to students, educators and schools,” Deputy Superintendent Ronn Nozoe noted. “Now, with the approval of the Strive HI Performance System, we’ve unlocked the potential of all these efforts to work together in a coherent way to support success.”

The Department will work closely with Complex Area Superintendents and principals this summer to ensure school leaders and educators are positioned for successful implementation of the Strive HI Performance System in the coming school year. For more information, visit the Department's Strive HI Performance System​ page.

Contact Information

Donalyn Dela Cruz

Phone: 808-586-3232


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