Students take virtual field trip with Army Nature team


​Daniel K. Inouye Elementary students were treated to a special field trip into the Waianae Mountains via social media. The Hawaii Army Natural Resources team and outreach staff worked with the school's librarian to set up a live Periscope feed from the Waianae Mountains where staff and volunteers were planting hundreds of native plants.

​Daniel K. Inouye Elementary students were treated to a special field trip into the Waianae Mountains via social media. The Hawaii Army Natural Resources team and outreach staff worked with the school's librarian, Michelle Colte, to set up a live Periscope feed from the Waianae Mountains where staff and volunteers were planting hundreds of native plants.

"Our school has been experimenting with different ways that kids can access information and share their learning," Colte said. "We connected with the Army's Natural Resources Program because of the unique terrain and the location of their project. We are unable to take 125 fourth graders to this area, so Periscope allows our kids to ask the experts questions and to see the plants close up."

Students were able to submit questions to the field experts through the Periscope app. Fourth graders are currently learning about native plants and sustainability, which made the experience and opportunity to speak with subject matter experts relevant and engaging.

"Having this technology brings the lesson to life for our students and they experience what we're learning firsthand. It's hard to get to certain places and be able to do this," shared teacher Gerilyn Schaefer.

Daniel K. Inouye Elementary School is located on Schofield Barracks and works with the U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii on partnership projects.

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