Waipahu High selected to host national career academy conference


The National Career Academy Coalition announced that Waipahu High School has been selected to represent national best practice in Career Academy Implementation in an upcoming NCAC Conference, Insight/Onsite. The school's academies are the first in Hawaii to be awarded Model Status by the NCAC.

The National Career Academy Coalition (NCAC) announced that Waipahu High School has been selected to represent national best practice in Career Academy Implementation in an upcoming NCAC Conference, Insight/Onsite. The conference will be held Feb. 7-9, 2018 at Waipahu High and will feature the school's two Model Academies, the Academy of Health & Sciences and the Academy of Natural Resources.

"We are honored to host this conference and excited about the opportunity to showcase the hard work of our faculty, students and community partners," said Principal Keith Hayashi. "I'd like to extend a warm mahalo to the NCAC for recognizing our school's Model Academies and hope the foundation we created will help launch other academies around the country."

The Waipahu Insight/Onsite conference is an intensive three-day seminar designed to provide an in-depth exploration of the college and career academy model. Attendees will learn how Waipahu High School has achieved Model Academies by embedding the ten National Standards of Practice (NSOP) for Career Academies in their Career Academy programs and how their academies have met and exceed these Standards. 

"Waipahu High School is the first Hawaii School to obtain the highest level of accreditation awarded by the National Career Academy Coalition. Great teachers, leaders, and community partners are working together to provide ALL students with an outstanding education at Waipahu," added Jay Steele, NCAC Executive Director.

Waipahu High's academies are the first in Hawaii to be awarded Model Status by the NCAC, a prestigious honor that certifies a Career Academy as being implemented with excellence based on The National Standards of Practice for Career Academies (NSOPs). Based on this national recognition, NCAC has selected the school as the location of one of the Insight/Onsite Conferences where educators from across the nation can experience the excellence of Waipahu's Career Academies first-hand. 

The conference kicks off Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month, which was launched by the Association for Career & Technical Education to raise awareness about the value of CTE programs and the accomplishments and student achievement happening because of them. The Hawaii State Department of Education supports a variety of Programs of Study at its schools including health services, natural resources, industrial and engineering technology and more, click here for information.

For more information on the Waipahu Insight/Onsite, click here; for information about CTE Month, click here.

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