Board of Education names interim education leadership


The Hawaii State Board of Education announced its appointment of Keith Hayashi as interim superintendent. Hayashi is currently the deputy superintendent until the end of June 30, 2017. The interim deputy superintendent during this transition period will be current senior assistant superintendent, Amy Kunz.

​The Hawaii State Board of Education (BOE) today announced its appointment of Keith Hayashi as interim superintendent.  Hayashi is currently the deputy superintendent at the Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) until the end of June 30, 2017. In July, he will serve as superintendent for a month-long interim basis.

The interim deputy superintendent during this transition period will be current senior assistant superintendent, Amy Kunz.

"I want to thank Keith and Amy for ensuring continuity of operations through their interim appointments until the new superintendent starts in August," said BOE Chairman Lance Mizumoto. "Both leaders understand the work at hand and will be assisting Dr. Kishimoto as she makes her transition to head the Department."

Current Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi will end her term on June 30 after serving in the position since 2010. Last month, the BOE announced its selection of Christina Kishimoto, Ed.D.  as the next HIDOE superintendent. Kishimoto's official start date is Aug. 1, 2017.  

Kishimoto is currently transitioning out of her position as superintendent for the Gilbert Public School district in Arizona. She is in Hawaii this week to meet briefly with board members and HIDOE staff.

"I realize this is a critical time and I want to thank Superintendent Matayoshi and her team for bringing me up to speed as we work towards a smooth transition," stated Kishimoto. "I'm grateful for the time and diligence of all those who want to ensure that I can hit the ground running."

Hayashi is a former complex area superintendent and has served as principal at Waipahu High School since 2009. In February 2017 he was appointed deputy superintendent. He plans to return to Waipahu High at the conclusion of his interim appointment.

Kunz was appointed in 2011 as assistant superintendent of the office of fiscal services and chief financial officer. In 2014, she was appointed to senior assistant superintendent to oversee the additional offices of information technology services, human resources and school facilities and support services. 

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