Public school principals recognized for service by Board of Education


The Hawaii State Board of Education last night commended Hawaii public school principals and vice-principals for their education service coinciding with National Principals Month.

BOE commended Hawaii public school principals and vice-principals for their service.

From L to R: BOE Chair Lance Mizumoto, Kaneohe Elem. Principal Derek Minakami, King David Kalakaua Middle Principal Lorelei Aiwohi, Waipahu High Principal Keith Hayashi, and BOE Member Maggie Cox.

Photo Credit: Department of Education

​​​HONOLULU –The Hawaii State Board of Education (BOE), last night commended Hawaii public school principals and vice principals for their education service coinciding with National Principals Month.  Principals Lorelei Aiwohi of King David Kalakaua Middle School, Derek Minakami of Kaneohe Elementary School, and Keith Hayashi of Waipahu High School received the commendation on behalf of all school principals at the Board’s General Business Meeting. 

“Principals are the core leaders of our public schools and work tirelessly to improve academic achievement and instructional standards with their faculties and staffs,” ​said Stephen Schatz, Hawaii State Department of Education deputy superintendent.  “They are responsible not only for long-term academic improvements, but also for ensuring that school budgets, facility maintenance and daily operations, among many other items, are maintained.” ​​

The BOE’s resolution recognizing October as National Principals Month can be viewed here:​​

​Learn more about National Principals Month at​

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