Future Schools Now

The Department is deploying an innovative three-part initiative to expedite upgrades and plan for schools' facilities needs. Learn about using school facilities, how to support school facilities repairs, how to become a vendor, and details about the facilities planning process.


HIDOE is using a new contracting method to expedite common repair and maintenance projects at schools through Job Order Contracting, or JOC, a part of the Future Schools Now initiative. See the benefits of this approach in the above video.

Future Schools Now

Photo of Future Schools Now flyer

Future Schools Now is a three-part initiative to streamline how the Department contracts repair services to fast-track priority projects, increase the community’s access to project details with an online database under development, and implement a data-driven analysis to plan for future school needs.

In 2019, Hawaii's 258 public schools are an average of 72 years old with 52 of those schools over 100 years old. HIDOE is committed to the maintenance of these facilities and has launched the Job Order Contracting (JOC) method to expedite common repair projects at schools statewide. JOC allows HIDOE to contract several vendors through competitive bidding to perform commonly encountered repair projects at fixed prices over the life of a multiyear contract, rather than having to bid out individual repair jobs.

The Facilities Development Branch is now using an online project management platform to track project portfolios at every step from the planning, design and construction phases through completion. The CIP Project Tracker includes project budget data to provide comprehensive oversight and management tools, including appropriations, allotments, schedules and approvals, change orders and invoice storage.  A public-facing dashboard is in development.

A comprehensive facilities study in development will provide analysis to guide future facility improvements and maintenance projects. The study will establish a facilities roadmap that is driven by data and stakeholder input. When integrated into our planning and budgeting process for capital projects, it will ensure the state gives equal weight to future improvements and immediate needs.

Act 155

21st CENTURY SCHOOLS                                                                           A Hawaii law passed in 2013 authorizes a pilot program for the Department to lease public school lands for “public purposes." Funds generated are to be used for new construction of 21st Century school facilities and repair and maintenance of existing school facilities.

Using School Facilities

School facilities are available for public use as long as the requested activities do not interfere with normal school operations. Access to facilities and grounds is controlled by the prin​cipal of the school.​

School-Directed Air Conditioning (SDAC)

HIDOE’s SDAC program enables school leaders to initiate the AC process by requesting an official electrical assessment from the Office of Facilities and Operations to determine where there is sufficient electrical capacity to install energy-efficient window AC units. Once assessments are completed, schools have several options to move forward, including starting to budget for the project, partnering with community groups for equipment donations, engaging area lawmakers, or seeking funds through the Department’s legislative budget request. 

Click here for a list of schools that have completed or requested an assessment under SDAC.

Supporting Schools

Companies interested in working with the Department on its various school facilities projects should review our vendor pages, which include information about working with the state's procurement portal, the Hawaii Electronic Procurement System (HePS).


This nonprofit initiated by the late Sen. Daniel K. Inouye in 2001 assists schools with small-in-scope projects to improve school campuses, matching donor funds in the amount of grants (limited to $50,000) to schools who produce matching private contributions or professional volunteerism (“sweat equity”). We encourage anyone who wants to help schools to contribute to this worthy cause.​​​

Firms interested in providing professional services for the DOE may register via our consultant portal.

Planning Schools

Schools are the central hub of any active community — build them, and the families will come. We partner with state agencies and developers to ensure that, as a community progresses, evaluations are in place to determine if a School Impact District must be established, and related fees are collected to ensure (1) schools are expanded to meet the community’s need, and/or (2) new schools are built.​

We are always weighing innovative designs​, technologies, and processes to improve Hawaii's schools.

The Department is refurbishing our school playgrounds​ with green materials that produce cost savings, allowing us to escalate fixes while keeping the safety of our keiki at the fore.​​​​

Contact Information

Office of Facilities and Operations

Phone: 808-784-5000


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