Supporting children: Policies and resources

To support and develop the academic achievement, character building and social-emotional well-being of all children, the Board of Education develops policies and the Department cultivates and curates aligned resources for students, employees and the public school system.


​​The Hawaii State Department of Education's mission is to develop the academic achievement, character and social-emotional well-being of our students to the fullest potential. Our vision is that Hawaii's students are educated, healthy, and joyful lifelong learners who contribute positively to our community and global society.

The Board of Education, in its role as the governing entity for the public school system, has developed several policies to support these outcomes. They include but are not limited to the following. Please click the links below to learn more about resources and supports for these policies:

Policy E-3, Nā Hopena A‘o (HĀ)
“The DOE works together as a system that includes everyone in the broader community to develop competencies that strengthen a sense of belonging, responsibility, excellence, aloha, total well-being and Hawaii.”
Policy 101.1, Student Code of Conduct
“Students are expected to be honest, behave with dignity and treat others with respect and courtesy. Behavior of the individual should not interfere with the rights of others. This includes the use of appropriate language, actions and attire. Students are expected not to harass others through any means.”
Policy 101.6, Comprehensive Student Support System
“The BOE recognizes the importance of providing effective instruction in a safe, positive, caring and supportive learning environment. ... The DOE shall provide a comprehensive student support system framework to support the implementation, with fidelity of ... appropriate student support through an array of services.”
Policy 106.5, Focus on Students
“The focus on the educational program for the public schools of Hawaii shall focus on the growth and development of each student.”
Policy 305.10, Anti-Harassment, Anti-Bullying, and Anti-Discrimination Against Students by Employees
“The DOE strictly prohibits any form of harassment and/or bulling based on the following: gender identity and expression, socio economic status, physical appearance and characteristics and sexual orientation.” A student shall not be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or otherwise be subjected to harassment, bullying and discrimination under any program, services or activity of the DOE.” Policy 201.2, Accountability of Employees
“In furtherance of the requirements of applicable state law as it relates to education, the Board of Education and Department of Education strategic plan, and other relevant policies, rules, regulations and procedures, it is the policy of the Board of Education (“Board”) that all Department of Education (“Department”) employees at school, complex area, and state levels comply with and implement Board policies and Department rules, regulations, and procedures. All Department employees will be held accountable for failure to comply with or implement Board policies or Department rules, regulations, or procedures. Any employee who is found to have violated this policy or other policies, laws, rules, regulations, procedures, guidelines, or directives may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment from the Department consistent with applicable Board and Department policies, regulations, rules, collective bargaining agreements, and other civil service laws, rules, and regulations.”

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