Frequently Asked Questions: SY 2021-22 Student Meals


Answers to frequesntly asked questions regarding student meals during the 2021-22 school year.

Q: Which schools will be considered part of the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) meal program for School Year 2021-22 (SY 21-22)?

A: All Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) schools will be considered an SSO school for the upcoming school year. (This does not include public charter schools.)

Q. What does it mean for a school to be participating in SSO?

A: This means that all HIDOE students will be receiving a free breakfast and a free lunch, regardless of family income eligibility.

Q: What happens if students have a remaining balance of meal funds in their lunch accounts from last school year?

A: Parents may choose to leave funds in the account for the following school year or may request a refund of the money from their account. Current procedures for refunds still apply, where refunds will be completed at the school level.

Q: How will special diet meal accommodations be met?

A: Please email SFSB at for assistance.  For more information of special meal accommodations, please view the Special Meal Accommodations page here.

Contact Information

School Food Services Branch

Phone: 808-784-5500


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