Office of Strategy, Innovation and Performance

Designed to systemize and support ongoing cycles of continuous improvement. Includes assessments, data governance and data analysis efforts.



Data Governance and Analysis Branch Governance and Analysis BranchWe collect and report data as required by federal, state, and local regulations.
Policy, Innovation, Planning, and Evaluation, Innovation, Planning, and EvaluationServes as a catalyst to achieve Strategic Plan goals.
Assessment and Accountability Branch and Accountability BranchResponsible for the administration of HIDOE summative assessments and its supports.
Community Engagement Branch Engagement BranchEstablishes and maintains effective working relationships and partnerships.
School Transformation Branch Transformation BranchOversees and administers the Strive HI Performance System.


Ho‘oha‘aheo newsletter cover

The Department's primary publication featuring successes across our public schools.

View all Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletters
