The Education for Homeless Children & Youth (EHCY) office is providing outreach to kids and families in unstable housing through the YES Project.
WHY: Bridge home and school for students and families
- Connect students and families with resources, including meals, hygiene supplies, food, clothing, social services
- Build relationships with students, families and community provider staff
- Assess student and system-wide needs to inform future programming and future partners
- Engage learners in reading, art, physical play, music, academic and social support
WHO: HIDOE Student Support Services, EHCY staff and Partners
- Community Homeless Concerns Liaisons (Link to Liaison Roster)
- Community partners supporting the same student population (food banks, health clinics, housing supports, libraries, enrichment programs)
- State Navigators for Early Learning, Reengagement and Transportation
WHERE: Across the islands
- YES connects with other outreach providers at existing events
- YES coordinates community based events where students and families spend time