Farrington-Kaiser-Kalani Complex Area

A list of schools belonging to the Farrington, Kaiser and Kalani Complex Areas in the Honolulu District, with links to more information about events with the Honolulu District STEM Initiative.

​​​​​​​​Farrington complex

Kaiser complex

Kalani complex

Community School

* Charter Schools are shown under the geographic complex-area and/or complex responsible for certain support to that school. Please visit the Charter Schools website directory for school information.

2017 School Quality Survey

Farrington-Kaiser-Kalani Complex Area report

Honolulu District STEM initiative

Events in district schools tied to expanding opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education.

The Honolulu District Science Fair is modeled after the International Science and Engineering Fair and the Hawaii State Science and Engineering Fair. It is a partnership between Honolulu District schools and Kapiolani Community College. It's held annually in February.

The Science and Technology Education Partnership (STEP) was established to bridge the skills gap between K-12 students and high-technology industry needs. Oahu’s Honolulu District has showcased an annual STEP show since 2010. It is a partnership with Hawaii Literacy and General Atomics.

Honolulu District events

The event helps students in grades 3 through 6 develop and showcase their verbal communication skills and techniques.

Farrington-Kaiser-Kalani Complex Area Financial Plan Summary

Prior financial plans: 2022-23 | 2020-21 | 2019-20

Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Statement

Contact Information

Rochelle Mahoe

Phone: 808-784-6600

Email: Rochelle.Mahoe@k12.hi.us


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The Department's primary publication featuring successes across our public schools.

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