Office of the Superintendent

The Superintendent of Education is responsible for efficiently and effectively administering the public school system in accordance with law and educational policies adopted by the Board of Education.



Superintendent's Office's OfficeOffice of the Superintendent is responsible for administering the public school system.
Deputy Superintendents SuperintendentsResponsible for leading, directing and supervising the academic/education programs.
Complex Areas AreasConnect with the Department's 15 Complex Areas.
Communications Branch BranchSupports the public school system by optimizing internal and external communications.
Office of Hawaiian Education of Hawaiian EducationLearn about Hawaiian Studies across the K-12 system, and our Hawaiian immersion schools.
Internal Audit Office Audit OfficeThe Office assesses the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance.
Monitoring & Compliance Branch & Compliance BranchThe Office evaluates the Department's compliance with federal laws and BOE policies.
Workforce Development Branch Development BranchWorkforce Development BranchCoordinating educational opportunities to help prepare students for the workforce.

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