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Community identifies action opportunities to help achieve five promises to students identifies action opportunities to help achieve five promises to studentsNearly 2,800 stakeholders responded to the call for equity, excellence and innovation in public schools during the summer. A Phase II feedback window on a first draft of the 2030 Promise Plan is open through Sept. 20, 2019.
New ʻŌlelo series explores HIDOE’s five promises to students ʻŌlelo series explores HIDOE’s five promises to studentsPublic school educators and students share how they’re living out Hawai‘i, Equity, School Design, Empowerment, and Innovation.
Community invited to provide input on Hawai‘i DOE’s next 10 years invited to provide input on Hawai‘i DOE’s next 10 yearsThe Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) is seeking feedback on the first draft of a 2030 Promise Plan, which will guide the Department for the next decade, centered around five promises to students. A step-by-step toolkit for the community to provide feedback is available at Feedback will be gathered through August 1, with a first draft of the plan to be delivered in September.
April 2019 Education Update 2019 Education UpdateMonthly print newsletter featuring the top stories from across Hawaii's public schools, distributed to schools and the Board of Education. In this edition: Kaneohe El's Kumu Bella earns Milken Teacher of Promise award, Class of 2018 shows strong growth nationally in AP exam performance, Inouye Elementary teacher Esther Park finds out what her 5th graders have to say on the issue of student voice, more stories.
Department rolls out more data visuals for public to view rolls out more data visuals for public to viewThe Hawaii State Department of Education released online data for its remaining strategic goals. The department's Strategic Plan Dynamic Report is an online resource that allows the public to view data across performance indicators identified in the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan.
New online tool provides greater insight on department progress online tool provides greater insight on department progressIn an effort to make performance data easily available to the public, HIDOE today announced the launch of its Strategic Plan Dynamic Report at the BOE meeting. The new online resource allows the public to view data across performance indicators identified in the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan.
2016 Year in Review Year in ReviewThere is much work to be done, but there is much to celebrate now! Here’s a rundown of impressive achievements in 2016 by our schools, educators and keiki.
Student-centered Strategic Plan approved by Board Strategic Plan approved by BoardThe Hawaii State Board of Education voted unanimously to adopt the update and extension of the Strategic Plan with amendments. The plan will be used to guide the Department and its schools from 2017-20 with implementation starting next year.
Updated Strategic Plan to be presented to Board Strategic Plan to be presented to BoardOn Dec. 6, the updated Strategic Plan will be presented to the Board of Education (BOE) for adoption. This joint project of the Department of Education (DOE) and BOE covers the years 2017-2020. It is an update and extension of the 2012 plan, following a broad community review in 2016.
Community voices sought for input on public education plans voices sought for input on public education plansSince April, HIDOE and BOE has engaged the community as it reviews its joint Strategic Plan​. BOE members have hosted meetings in Waimea (Hawaii Island) and Wailuku, and the public has more opportunities to provide feedback at upcoming community meetings on Oahu, Kauai and Molokai.
Hawaii expresses concerns over ESSA regulations and implementation timing expresses concerns over ESSA regulations and implementation timing In a joint letter to the U.S. Department of Education, Governor David Ige, Hawaii State Board of Education's Chairperson Lance Mizumoto and Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi voiced concerns about the draft regulations and implementation timeline for the Every Students Succeeds Act.
Conversation on improving public education continues, meetings set through September on improving public education continues, meetings set through SeptemberThe Hawaii DOE and Board of Education have scheduled a series of community meetings to provide updates on plans to better public education. These meetings are part of the ongoing outreach effort in the updating of the Strategic Plan.
One week left on public survey — offer your input on Hawaii’s education future week left on public survey — offer your input on Hawaii’s education futureThe Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) is reminding the public that they have one more week to submit input on a plan for student success. The community’s input is needed to support student aspirations in our public schools.
Leading with the state’s vision for education, public input sought on Strategic Plan with the state’s vision for education, public input sought on Strategic PlanThe Department of Education (DOE) and Board of Education (BOE) are seeking critical public input on a review and extension of its joint Strategic Plan.
2015 Year in Review Year in ReviewThere is much work to be done, but there is much to celebrate now! Here’s a rundown of impressive achievements in 2015 by our schools, educators and keiki.
'All students are our kuleana''All students are our kuleana'For American Education Week, Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi wrote the following piece that was published in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. "It is up to all of us — the DOE, our schools, parents and our community — to put forth our best efforts to empower our students to reach their highest dreams."
Student surveys to provide critical feedback about learning environment surveys to provide critical feedback about learning environmentA student survey being administered in Hawaii’s public schools through Oct. 18 will provide educators with critical classroom feedback aimed at improving teaching and learning. The Tripod Student Perceptions Survey measures effective student-teacher relationships and elements of teaching quality.
Superintendent Matayoshi rated 'Exceptional' by Board of Education'Exceptional'-by-Board-of-Education.aspxSuperintendent Matayoshi rated 'Exceptional' by Board of EducationSuperintendent Kathryn Matayoshi has earned the top rating of “exceptional” from the Hawaii State Board of Education in her annual job performance evaluation. Members praised the DOE's progress on a host of initiatives to improve student outcomes.
Board approves Department's school accreditation plan's-school-accreditation-plan.aspxBoard approves Department's school accreditation planThe Hawaii State Board of Education (BOE) today approved the Department of Education's five-year project to ensure all public schools are accredited in alignment with BOE/DOE Strategic Plan.

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