E ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i Kākou: Let's learn the Hawaiian language | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/olelo-hawaii-kakou-2024-02-06.aspx | E ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i Kākou: Let's learn the Hawaiian language | HIDOE's Office of Hawaiian Education in partnership with the University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges offers free introductory Hawaiian language and culture courses for HIDOE full-time salaried employees. In honor of Mahina ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i, or Hawaiian Language Month, find out why this employee signed up for Hawaiian 101. | | |
Kaiapuni Hawaiian immersion program expands to Kailua High School | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/kaiapuniokailua.aspx | Kaiapuni Hawaiian immersion program expands to Kailua High School | Kailua joins 21 other public schools that host the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program, Ka Papahana Kaiapuni. | | |
Keʻelikōlani Middle School commemorates official renaming in honor of Princess Ruth Keanolani Kanāhoahoa Keʻelikōlani | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Keʻelikōlani-Middle-renaming.aspx | Keʻelikōlani Middle School commemorates official renaming in honor of Princess Ruth Keanolani Kanāhoahoa Keʻelikōlani | Students, staff and community members commemorated the renaming of the former Central Middle School back to its original name honoring Princess Ruth Keanolani Kanāhoahoa Keʻelikōlani in a ceremony celebrating her 196th birthday. | | |
HIDOE to provide free Hawaiian language courses for all employees through UH Community Colleges | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/HawaiianLanguageLearningOpportunity.aspx | HIDOE to provide free Hawaiian language courses for all employees through UH Community Colleges | Upon successful completion, teachers will be able to receive professional development credits and all other employees will be able to earn college credit. | | |
Office of Hawaiian Education seeks teachers for Kaiapuni and Hawaiian Knowledge classrooms | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/OHE-seeks-Kaiapuni-teachers.aspx | Office of Hawaiian Education seeks teachers for Kaiapuni and Hawaiian Knowledge classrooms | Now in its third year, the Hawaiian Special Permit, known as Palapala A‘o Kūikawā, was launched by the Office of Hawaiian Education to help address critical shortages for certified teachers in the areas of Kaia‘ōlelo-Kaiapuni Hawai‘i, Hawaiian Language Immersion, and Hawaiian Studies/Knowledge. | | |
O ka Lono o ka Pule: E Hoʻolauleʻa i ka Mahina ʻOlelo Hawaiʻi | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/Newsletters/Supts-Corner/Pages/021319.aspx | O ka Lono o ka Pule: E Hoʻolauleʻa i ka Mahina ʻOlelo Hawaiʻi | From Supt. Christina M. Kishimoto: I’m excited to announce the launch of a new video series produced by the Communications Branch that aims to highlight the Hawaiian ali‘i whose names grace many of our school campuses. | | |
Hawaii’s 8th grade progress in reading stands out in 2017 “Nation’s Report Card” | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/2017-NAEP-Results.aspx | Hawaii’s 8th grade progress in reading stands out in 2017 “Nation’s Report Card” | The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has released its 2017 results in “The Nation’s Report Card.” Hawaii is one of only ten states to show an increase in grade 8 reading scores in 2017, with an increase of four scaled score points. | | |
Celebrating 2018 ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/TeachingAndLearning/StudentLearning/HawaiianEducation/Pages/2018-Olelo-Hawaii.aspx | Celebrating 2018 ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i | February is Hawaiian Language Month! The Islands are celebrating with events to elevate and honor the indigenous language and help raise funds for Hawaiian Language Immersion Program schools. | | |
Hawaii ranks among top 20 states for percentage of graduates taking ACT college prep test | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/2017-ACT-Results.aspx | Hawaii ranks among top 20 states for percentage of graduates taking ACT college prep test | This was the fourth year that HIDOE 11th graders were required to take the ACT, which landed Hawaii in the top 20 states for the percentage of graduates taking the college prep test according to the ACT's Condition of College & Career Readiness 2017 report. | | |
Department pursues expansion of Hawaiian education assessments | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Hawaiian-education-assessments.aspx | Department pursues expansion of Hawaiian education assessments | HIDOE has taken another step towards advancing Hawaiian language assessments for Hawaiian immersion students. In a collaborative effort with the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and Hawaiian language stakeholders, HIDOE is seeking federal approval for the expansion of the Kaiapuni Assessment of Educational Outcomes (KAEO) to Grades 5-8. | | |
Building a bridge between two readiness initiatives | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/Partners/Pages/CK-HA-Day.aspx | Building a bridge between two readiness initiatives | Sixteen regional school-community teams are hosting HĀ Community Days. The goal is to bring schools and communities together to contextualize and actualize HIDOE’s HĀ policy to strengthen outcomes in the system that reflect Hawai‘i’s unique context and honor Hawaiian culture. Here, we profile the work of the Campbell-Kapolei team. | | |
Jarrett Middle`s ohana delivers extraordinary results | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/Schools/Pages/jarrett-strive-HI.aspx | Jarrett Middle`s ohana delivers extraordinary results | Conventional wisdom would say that Jarrett Middle School should not be doing as well as it is, given the size of its high-needs student population. But it's bucking expectations with a commitment to "Everyone Being Extraordinary." A calm atmosphere and engaging instruction are boosting students to go beyond a year of learning. | | |
Results of more rigorous test show progress in academic achievement and college pathways | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Smarter-Balanced.aspx | Results of more rigorous test show progress in academic achievement and college pathways | In its second year of administering a new, more rigorous testing standard, Hawaii’s students continue to move in the right direction in meeting higher expectations for college and career readiness. An historic assessment baseline is set for Hawaiian immersion students. | | |
USDOE grants waiver extension to Hawaiian Language test | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Hawaiian-Testing-Waiver.aspx | USDOE grants waiver extension to Hawaiian Language test | For the second consecutive year, HIDOE will issue a specialized assessment to Hawaiian immersion students. The U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) granted HIDOE’s request for an extended waiver that allows Hawaiian Language Immersion Program (HLIP) students to take a specialized assessment in lieu of the state’s English language arts and math student assessments. | | |
Hawaii requesting waiver from assessing speaking & listening in ELA assessments | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Hawaii-requesting-waiver-from-assessing-speaking-in-ELA-assessments.aspx | Hawaii requesting waiver from assessing speaking & listening in ELA assessments | Hawaii is requesting a waiver from the US Dept. of Education to delay implementation of assessments of speaking and listening in English Language Arts assessments until the 2017-18 school year at the earliest. | | |
HIDOE awarded grant to launch pilot of culturally accurate student assessments | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/ALP-Grant.aspx | HIDOE awarded grant to launch pilot of culturally accurate student assessments | The Office of Hawaiian Education is one of 12 recipients to receive a portion of $2 million in grants from the Assessment for Learning Project (ALP) and its partners. The winning proposal looks at designing an assessment that can support a broader and culturally accurate definition of student success in Hawaii. | | |
E Hoʻomaikaʻi ʻia ʻo Pēpēluali ʻo ia ka Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Hawaiian-Language-Month-Hawaiian.aspx | E Hoʻomaikaʻi ʻia ʻo Pēpēluali ʻo ia ka Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi | E paipai ana ka ʻOihana Hoʻonaʻauao o Hawaiʻi i nā kula a pau o ka mokuʻāina e hoʻomaikaʻi pū kākou iā Pēpēluali ʻo ia ka Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi. | | |
Hawaii is ahead of President’s call to reduce testing in schools | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/reduce-testing.aspx | Hawaii is ahead of President’s call to reduce testing in schools | Last school year, the HIDOE performed a review of all of the assessments required by the state. Supt. Kathryn Matayoshi and Deputy Stephen Schatz listened to concerns from the field. As a result, HIDOE streamlined the state requirements for testing students for this school year. | | |
1st place essay about kalo evokes passion for land, people | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/Awards/Pages/aalii.aspx | 1st place essay about kalo evokes passion for land, people | ʻAʻaliʻikumakani Dukelow, a 2015 graduate of Ke Kula Kaiapuni ʻo Kekaulike on Maui, earns a $2,500 scholarship and summer learning and cultural exchange in Washington, D.C., with his winning essay about cultivating taro. | | |
Welcome back! Parent letter from Supt. Kathryn Matayoshi | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Welcome-Back-2015.aspx | Welcome back! Parent letter from Supt. Kathryn Matayoshi | We are proud to serve Hawai‘i’s children, and we hope you’re proud of your public schools. Follow our journey this year on our website and via social media — #ProudtoServeKeiki. | | |
Meet Kupuna Minerva Pang | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/TeachersAndPrincipals/Pages/Meet-Kupuna-Minerva-Pang.aspx | Meet Kupuna Minerva Pang | Momilani Elementary's kupuna has taught Hawaiian values, history and culture — including free hula classes — to countless students since joining the school in 1986. Kupuna collaborate with the Hawaiian Studies program staff to bring cultural and place-based learning into the public schools. | | |
Hawaii to administer Hawaiian assessments to immersion students | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Hawaii-to-administer-Hawaiian-assessments-to-immersion-students.aspx | Hawaii to administer Hawaiian assessments to immersion students | The U.S. Department of Education has granted Hawaii a one-year waiver allowing immersion students to take assessments in Hawaiian, which is their primary language of instruction. | | |
Department advances Hawaiian Education | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Hawaiian-Ed.aspx | Department advances Hawaiian Education | Via Board Policies 2104 and 2105, the Department moves forward with Office of Hawaiian Education and a new director position. The Department also updated the Board and public on a field test of a Hawaiian-language assessment for the Kaiapuni program. | | |
Strive HI — January 2015 | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/Newsletters/StriveHiNewsletter/Pages/Jan-2015.aspx | Strive HI — January 2015 | Roundup of news from the public school system. Stories include parent letter sent home to explain new standards and assessments, Hawaii has a National Teacher of the Year finalist, Momilani El students get STEAMed during winter break, the 2014 Year in Review, Chad Farias named to Kau-Keaau-Pahoa leadership post and more. | | |
At Lanakila El, parents get first hand look at new test | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/Schools/Pages/SBpreview.aspx | At Lanakila El, parents get first hand look at new test | The Smarter Balanced assessment, aligned with our higher learning standards, debuts this spring. At Lanakila Elementary, teachers and staff organized a parent night to help families see what their children will be doing. | | |
BOE sets firm support of Hawaiian Education | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/BOE-sets-firm-support-of-Hawaiian-Education.aspx | BOE sets firm support of Hawaiian Education | The Board spent nearly one year working with stakeholders to craft policy revisions aimed at advancing Hawaiian language, culture and history in Hawaii's public schools. | | |
Department propels students toward college, careers | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/DOE-driving-students-toward-college,-career-readiness.aspx | Department propels students toward college, careers | HONOLULU - The Department today announced it will administer college and career readiness assessments to all middle and high school students statewide in grades 8, 9, 10 and 11 beginning next spring. | | |