Hawaii ranked second nationwide in Advanced Placement Exam one-year performance growth | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/AP-Exam-Growth.aspx | Hawaii ranked second nationwide in Advanced Placement Exam one-year performance growth | Hawaii's public school students continue to make gains in Advanced Placement (AP) exams. The number of students in the graduating class of 2018 scoring 3 or higher jumped 1.9 percentage points for the second-highest one-year gain nationwide. | | |
Hawaii public school students continue to make strides on AP Exams | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/AP-Scores.aspx | Hawaii public school students continue to make strides on AP Exams | More HIDOE students are both taking and passing Advanced Placement Exams. | | |
Hawaii’s 8th grade progress in reading stands out in 2017 “Nation’s Report Card” | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/2017-NAEP-Results.aspx | Hawaii’s 8th grade progress in reading stands out in 2017 “Nation’s Report Card” | The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has released its 2017 results in “The Nation’s Report Card.” Hawaii is one of only ten states to show an increase in grade 8 reading scores in 2017, with an increase of four scaled score points. | | |
Hawaii ranks among top 20 states for percentage of graduates taking ACT college prep test | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/2017-ACT-Results.aspx | Hawaii ranks among top 20 states for percentage of graduates taking ACT college prep test | This was the fourth year that HIDOE 11th graders were required to take the ACT, which landed Hawaii in the top 20 states for the percentage of graduates taking the college prep test according to the ACT's Condition of College & Career Readiness 2017 report. | | |
Hawaii public school students outpace nation in gains on AP Exams | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Hawaii-public-school-students-outpace-nation-in-gains-on-AP-Exams.aspx | Hawaii public school students outpace nation in gains on AP Exams | Hawaii’s public school students are exceeding the nation in gains on the Advanced Placement Program® (AP®) Exams over the year prior. The AP results for HIDOE students who were tested last May show increases in the number of exam takers, exams taken and scores of 3 or higher. | | |
Hawaii's public high school graduates improve in ACT college preparedness test scores | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/ACT-test-improvements.aspx | Hawaii's public high school graduates improve in ACT college preparedness test scores | Hawaii public school 2016 graduates who took the ACT college preparation test and who met college readiness benchmarks showed a two-percent improvement in Mathematics and one-percent improvements in English and Science, while Reading scores remained unchanged. | | |
More public high school students rise in Advanced Placement exams | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/APProgress.aspx | More public high school students rise in Advanced Placement exams | Students at 37 Hawaii public high schools have earned College Board’s Advanced Placement Program® (AP®) Scholar Awards in recognition of exceptional achievement in AP Exams. | | |
New assessment scores show promise for public school achievement | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/sba-scores.aspx | New assessment scores show promise for public school achievement | In its first year of administering a new, more rigorous test, Hawaii’s students continue to move in the right direction in meeting higher expectations for college and career readiness. HIDOE today released statewide Smarter Balanced Assessments test scores in mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy. | | |
Hawaii public high school graduates show improvements in ACT exam | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/ACT2015Scores.aspx | Hawaii public high school graduates show improvements in ACT exam | More students in the Class of 2015 hit college-ready benchmarks in all four areas of the prominent college entrance exam — English, Math, Reading and Science — than in the year before. Hawaii tests all of its juniors in the ACT. Class of 2015 represents juniors who took the exam in spring 2014. | | |
New student assessments to set new baseline for Hawaii | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/New-student-assessments-to-set-new-baseline-for-Hawaii.aspx | New student assessments to set new baseline for Hawaii | Smarter Balanced asessments in English language arts and math are aligned to higher expectations of the Hawaii Common Core standards. Results will help educators address student needs and ensure they are on track to graduate prepared for college and careers. | | |
Hawaii to administer Hawaiian assessments to immersion students | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Hawaii-to-administer-Hawaiian-assessments-to-immersion-students.aspx | Hawaii to administer Hawaiian assessments to immersion students | The U.S. Department of Education has granted Hawaii a one-year waiver allowing immersion students to take assessments in Hawaiian, which is their primary language of instruction. | | |
Want better schools? Better standards are the first step. | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/TeachersAndPrincipals/Pages/ccteachers.aspx | Want better schools? Better standards are the first step. | This piece about new standards and assessments in Hawaii's public schools was written by teachers Yuuko Arikawa (Hawaii’s 2010 Milken Award Winner), Mary Carlson (Kapaa High School) and Gwen Lee (Niu Valley Middle School). A new assessment, aligned with Hawaii Common Core, is rolling out this spring. | | |
New Reading and Math Tests to Get 'Test Run' | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Smarter-Balanced-test-run.aspx | New Reading and Math Tests to Get 'Test Run' | Approximately 25,000 Hawaii public school students will practice taking improved and more engaging annual state tests meant to better gauge their progress toward college and career readiness. | | |
Hawaii fourth-graders outperform nation in mathematics, 2013 'Nation’s Report Card' shows | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/2013-NAEP.aspx | Hawaii fourth-graders outperform nation in mathematics, 2013 'Nation’s Report Card' shows | Hawaii’s fourth- and eighth-graders continue to progress in mathematics and reading; and for the first time, the state’s fourth graders have scored above the national average in math. This is according to the “The Nation’s Report Card” released today by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) spring 2013 state-by-state results. | | |
ACT results reinforce need for college- and career-readiness focus | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/ACT-Results-Reinforce-Need-for-College-and-Career-Readiness-Focus.aspx | ACT results reinforce need for college- and career-readiness focus | The 5,345 Hawaii students, most of whom took the ACT as juniors in 2012 and graduated this past spring, represent about 40 percent of the Class of 2013 – the biggest group of students ever to take the ACT in Hawaii. | | |
Roosevelt High senior achieves rare perfection | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Roosevelt-High-senior-achieves-rare-perfection.aspx | Roosevelt High senior achieves rare perfection | Gillian M. Desmond of Roosevelt High is the only Hawaii student to post a perfect 36 score on the ACT test this past year. For the first time in 2013, the Department administered the test to all middle and high school students statewide in grades 8, 9, 10 and 11. | | |
Department propels students toward college, careers | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/DOE-driving-students-toward-college,-career-readiness.aspx | Department propels students toward college, careers | HONOLULU - The Department today announced it will administer college and career readiness assessments to all middle and high school students statewide in grades 8, 9, 10 and 11 beginning next spring. | | |
Pilot of next-generation student assessments begins | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Pilot-of-next-Ggeneration-student-assessments-begins.aspx | Pilot of next-generation student assessments begins | HONOLULU - Dozens of Hawaii public schools will be piloting a new online assessment aimed at providing a window into whether students are on track to graduate high school, be ready for college and the workplace. | | |
50,000 public high school students to take ACT | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/50,000-public-high-school-students-to-take-ACT.aspx | 50,000 public high school students to take ACT | HONOLULU – The Department this month is initiating an unprecedented move designed to better prepare students for post-high school success. Approximately 50,000 students in grades 8 through 11 will take the ACT College and Career Readiness assessment. | | |
Smarter Balanced releases online practice tests | https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/MediaRoom/PressReleases/Pages/Smarter-Balanced-releases-online-practice-tests.aspx | Smarter Balanced releases online practice tests | Smarter Balanced Practice Tests will help schools prepare for the implementation of the Smarter Balanced Assessment System in the 2014-15 school year. | | |