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Sponsors sought for Summer Food Service Program to provide meals for children during summer break sought for Summer Food Service Program to provide meals for children during summer breakSponsor organizations are being sought on all islands to help provide children in low-income communities with free meals during the summer months.
New HIDOE pilot program aims to increase cardiac survival rates in Hawai‘i‘i-.aspxNew HIDOE pilot program aims to increase cardiac survival rates in Hawai‘i The Hawai‘i State Department of Education launched a pilot program this month to introduce cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) training to students and personnel across the state.
DOH and HIDOE launch website to monitor progress of repairs to school drinking water fixtures and HIDOE launch website to monitor progress of repairs to school drinking water fixturesOf the 1,500 water fixtures scheduled for replacement at 170 elementary schools, more than 600 fixtures have already been replaced. The new website will allow the public to track the progress of the ongoing fixture replacements, and to view lab results of the confirmatory testing.
Second phase of lead testing to assess drinking water at 72 public elementary schools phase of lead testing to assess drinking water at 72 public elementary schoolsIn cooperation with the Hawai‘i State Department of Health (DOH), HIDOE will begin testing drinking water sources for lead at 72 public elementary schools beginning in late May of 2022. This work is a continuation of an existing project which tested drinking water at 106 schools and child care facilities from May to December of 2021.
Outdoor masking to be optional at HIDOE schools and offices masking to be optional at HIDOE schools and officesOutdoor masking at public school campuses and HIDOE facilities will be optional for students, faculty and staff, effective on Wednesday, Mar. 9.
HIDOE receives donation of 50,000 N95 masks from Hawaiʻi Pacific Health receives donation of 50,000 N95 masks from Hawaiʻi Pacific HealthHIDOE today received a donation of 50,000 N95 face masks from Hawaiʻi Pacific Health to help protect students, teachers and staff during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
HIDOE to implement revised health and safety protocols aligned to latest DOH guidance for schools to implement revised health and safety protocols aligned to latest DOH guidance for schoolsThe Hawai‘i State Department of Education (HIDOE), in partnership with the state Department of Health (DOH), worked on ensuring that the health and safety protocols are consistent with the latest DOH guidance for schools.
Hawai‘i public schools celebrate Thanksgiving with local Okinawan Sweet Potato Pie‘i public schools celebrate Thanksgiving with local Okinawan Sweet Potato PieHawai'i public schools will celebrate the upcoming holiday season with an Okinawan Sweet Potato Pie as part of November's 'Aina Pono: Harvest of the Month program. The pie will be served on a day selected by participating schools, which includes more than 200 cafeterias statewide. Bake this delicious dessert at home for your family and friends.
Hawai‘i public schools seek more local farmers and vendors to supply fresh produce for student meals‘i public schools seek more local farmers and vendors to supply fresh produce for student mealsThe Hawai'i State Department of Education (HIDOE) is seeking more local farmers and vendors to supply fresh produce for student meals on their island, with an emphasis on locally grown fruits and vegetables. From Oct. 22-30, HIDOE will be hosting produce solicitation pre-bid meetings across the state. RSVP by Oct. 19.
October’s Harvest of the Month features ‘Ulu Beef Stew in student meals’s Harvest of the Month features ‘Ulu Beef Stew in student mealsThe Hawaii State Department of Education is continuing its ‘Aina Pono: Harvest of the Month program for a second year. This October, participating public schools statewide will be serving ‘Ulu Beef Stew. Create this delicious meal at home by following our recipe.
September 2018 Inspire 2018 InspireInspirational stories from Hawai'i's public schools. In this edition: 9th graders at Wai'anae High excel on "The R.I.D.E.," school-based health center dedicated at Nanakuli High & Intermediate, the HIDOE Team and Employee of the Year are named, new classroom building breaks ground at Waikoloa Elementary & Middle School, more stories.
HIDOE and Dept. of Health work to protect Hawaii Island students from vog and Dept. of Health work to protect Hawaii Island students from vogHIDOE and the State Dept. of Health are working together to develop and share volcano response plans for schools on Hawai‘i Island. The partnership has created clearer guidelines on what to do when sulfur dioxide levels in the air exceed safe thresholds.
Scratch-cooked student meals to feature Maui-grown pineapples in May student meals to feature Maui-grown pineapples in MayThe Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) is incorporating Maui-grown pineapples in student meals statewide as part of the ‘Aina Pono Hawai‘i State Harvest of the Month program this month. Recreate this delicious meal at home by following our Sweet and Sour Pineapple Pork recipe.
April 2018 Strive HI 2018 Strive HINews and success stories from across Hawaii's public school system. In this edition: Hawai'i's grade 8 reading stands out in biannual "Nation's Report Card," Farm to School gets a new name and look with ‘Aina Pono, public feedback on the Hawai‘i DOE's draft Computer Science Action Plan is sought through April 16, more stories.
Hawaii’s Farm to School program gets new name and look’s Farm to School program gets new name and lookThe Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) and the Office of the Lieutenant Governor unveiled a new logo and name for the Farm to School Initiative on March 29 at Mililani High School in the presence of students, teachers, HIDOE staff, state lawmakers and community supporters.
It’s ‘Ulu-licious! Hawaii public schools serve breadfruit’s ‘Ulu-licious! Hawaii public schools serve breadfruitThis March and April, Hawaii public schools will welcome a new local product in student meals – 'ulu, otherwise known as breadfruit. Check out our 'Ulu-licious Wraps recipe, as featured in the 'Aina Pono Harvest of the Month program.
February is all about the freshly baked papaya bread is all about the freshly baked papaya breadThis month, locally grown papayas will be incorporated into student meals across the state as part of the Hawaii State Department of Education's (HIDOE) 'Aina Pono Harvest of the Month program. Check out "Uncle Jeff's Papaya Bread" recipe.
Mililani High selected as next Farm to School site High selected as next Farm to School siteMililani High School will be the next participant in the 'Aina Pono Farm to School program. Mililani High is HIDOE's second largest food production site. It provides about 2,500 school lunches daily for approximately 1,000 high school students and an additional 1,500 students at Mililani Uka Elementary and Mililani Waena Elementary.
Student meals feature another local food source meals feature another local food sourceThe Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) continues its efforts to include local agriculture in student meals through its ‘Aina Pono Harvest of the Month program. This month, fresh bananas will be served in a Banana Pie or a Banana Crumble at all public school cafeterias.
Kalani High students enjoy loco moco made from locally grown beef High students enjoy loco moco made from locally grown beefToday at Kalani High School, students, teachers and faculty enjoyed eating the locally grown beef in their teri loco moco lunch. There was a special connection to this school since the Kalani High staff created the Paniolo Beef Patty recipe.
Hawaii public schools serve local beef in December public schools serve local beef in DecemberThis month, Hawaii public schools are serving locally raised, grass-fed beef in its hamburger patties. Elementary and middle school students will be served teri hamburger steak, while high school students will enjoy teri loco moco lunches.
Hawaii public schools receive financial incentives for supporting whole child and well-rounded education public schools receive financial incentives for supporting whole child and well-rounded educationThe Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) is working with the department to meet the needs of the whole child and provide a well-rounded education for all public school students. DOH is providing a competitive award up to $5,000 per school to 27 schools statewide.
Alternate lunches provided today at three Mililani schools as safety precaution over detected mumps case lunches provided today at three Mililani schools as safety precaution over detected mumps caseStudents at Mililani High, Mililani Uka Elementary and Mililani Waena Elementary were provided alternate school lunches today as a safety precaution after a school food service worker at Mililani High was confirmed as having the mumps virus.
Department of Education advises on heat safety of Education advises on heat safetyWith the new school year beginning Aug. 1, HIDOE reminds schools and parents about health guidance on preventing heat illness.
Public schools offering summer meals to all children 18 and younger schools offering summer meals to all children 18 and youngerSeamless Summer Option (SSO) is a federal program that supports children with food service when the school system is out for the regular school year. Most schools are serving breakfast and lunch. Call your nearest school for service times.
Department to expand free meal program to 30 schools total on six islands to expand free meal program to 30 schools total on six islandsHIDOE will expand the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) free meal program from seven public schools to 30 across the state.
Schools reaching wellness goals reaching wellness goalsWellness Guidelines look at nutritional guidelines, health and nutrition education, physical education and activity.
DOE approves revised Pono Choices sexual health curriculum approves revised Pono Choices sexual health curriculumThe updated Pono Choices curriculum is one of seven sexual health education programs available to DOE middle schools. Beginning in the 2014-15 school year, all parents must sign an opt-in form permitting their children to participate in sexual health education.
Department of Education releases sexual education report of Education releases sexual education reportThe Hawaii State Department of Education (DOE) today released a report that announces actions it is taking based on a panel review of Pono Choices, a middle-school sexual health education curriculum.
DOE convenes working group to review Pono Choices convenes working group to review Pono ChoicesThe group of diverse stakeholders will review Pono Choices and accept public feedback prior to issuing a report.
Pono Choices to resume following DOE review Choices to resume following DOE reviewA review of Pono Choices confirmed the curriculum is medically accurate, appropriate and aligned with health education, state law and DOE policy.
Sex Education program Pono Choices to be reviewed Education program Pono Choices to be reviewedFollowing the 2013 fall semester, Pono Choices curriculum implementation will be placed on hold while the Department completes another review process.

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