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Recruiting high-quality teachers is a top priority high-quality teachers is a top priorityThis piece ran in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser's editorial section on Sept. 6, 2016. It was written by Barbara Krieg, assistant superintendent of Human Resources. Students are at the center of thinking, year-round, in the DOE's efforts to vet qualified teachers.
Aloha, HIDOE retirees!, HIDOE retirees!HIDOE bids aloha to more than 630 retirees in 2015, including teachers, administrators, counselors, librarians, specialists and support staff. Mahalo for your service!
Hawaii teachers ratify historic agreement teachers ratify historic agreementHONOLULU – Hawaii’s public school teachers last night ratified a progressive contract that ties tenure and all pay increases to annual performance evaluations and professional development. The contract provides teachers with preparation time and necessary supports to achieve success.

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