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Department announces 2020-21 enrollment figures for public and charter schools announces 2020-21 enrollment figures for public and charter schoolsHawaii's public and charter schools combined enrollment for school year 2020-21 totals 174,704 students, compared to 179,331 last year, a difference of 2.6 percent.
Parents reminded to enroll children in kindergarten early for upcoming school year reminded to enroll children in kindergarten early for upcoming school yearIn preparation for the start of the 2018-19 public school year on August 6, HIDOE reminds parents to plan ahead and enroll their children in kindergarten early. Kindergarten is mandatory in the State of Hawaii.
Public school enrollment increases for most grades school enrollment increases for most gradesThe combined enrollment for grades 1-12 continues to grow, with 823 more students in 2014-15, compared to the previous school year. However, as expected, a change in the kindergarten entry age causes overall enrollment to drop.
Guidelines set for third-person promotions in schools set for third-person promotions in schoolsHONOLULU – The growing number of promotional brochures and flyers being issued and distributed on public school campuses has prompted a new set of guidelines by the Department.
Lehua Elementary named 'Lighthouse School''Lighthouse-School'.aspxLehua Elementary named 'Lighthouse School'Lehua's designation follows a rigorous three-year certification of integrating leadership across nine areas. It is the first school in Hawaii to earn the label, and the 45th in the world.

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