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More Hawaii schools make notable gains; join the ranks of the high performers Hawaii schools make notable gains; join the ranks of the high performersThe Strive HI Performance System provides data to schools and offices to customize supports and interventions where schools need them most. The annual reports provide a snapshot of how schools are doing in achievement, growth, readiness and reducing the achievement gap.
Board of Education approves additional supports for English Language Learners of Education approves additional supports for English Language Learners The unanimous support of recommendations by the ninth Committee on Weights "sends a clear message that all students deserve necessary resources to excel in school.”
DOE internal controls, structures provide financial accountability, audit shows 2014 fiscal year audit.aspxDOE internal controls, structures provide financial accountability, audit showsThe independent audit concludes that appropriate controls and structures are in place to manage the financial statements of the state's public school system.
Educator support vital to sustain student gains support vital to sustain student gainsThis piece about the Educator Effectiveness System and the DOE's 2014-15 supplemental budget request was penned by Deputy Superintendent Ronn Nozoe and ran in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser's editorial section.


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