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E ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i Kākou: Let's learn the Hawaiian language ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i Kākou: Let's learn the Hawaiian languageHIDOE's Office of Hawaiian Education in partnership with the University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges offers free introductory Hawaiian language and culture courses for HIDOE full-time salaried employees. In honor of Mahina ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i, or Hawaiian Language Month, find out why this employee signed up for Hawaiian 101.
Keʻelikōlani Middle School commemorates official renaming in honor of Princess Ruth Keanolani Kanāhoahoa Keʻelikōlaniʻelikōlani-Middle-renaming.aspxKeʻelikōlani Middle School commemorates official renaming in honor of Princess Ruth Keanolani Kanāhoahoa KeʻelikōlaniStudents, staff and community members commemorated the renaming of the former Central Middle School back to its original name honoring Princess Ruth Keanolani Kanāhoahoa Keʻelikōlani in a ceremony celebrating her 196th birthday.
Subgrants awarded to HIDOE complex areas to advance literacy efforts statewide awarded to HIDOE complex areas to advance literacy efforts statewideThrough a highly competitive process HIDOE awarded CLSD subgrants to six complex areas, which will impact 79 schools. Complex area subgrantees will receive up to $1.5 million per year over the next four years. The Department was awarded the five-year grant in October 2019 to support language and literacy development growth in Hawaii public schools.
HIDOE to provide free Hawaiian language courses for all employees through UH Community Colleges to provide free Hawaiian language courses for all employees through UH Community CollegesUpon successful completion, teachers will be able to receive professional development credits and all other employees will be able to earn college credit.
Office of Hawaiian Education seeks teachers for Kaiapuni and Hawaiian Knowledge classrooms of Hawaiian Education seeks teachers for Kaiapuni and Hawaiian Knowledge classroomsNow in its third year, the Hawaiian Special Permit, known as Palapala A‘o Kūikawā, was launched by the Office of Hawaiian Education to help address critical shortages for certified teachers in the areas of Kaia‘ōlelo-Kaiapuni Hawai‘i, Hawaiian Language Immersion, and Hawaiian Studies/Knowledge.
​O ka Lono o ka Pule: E Hoʻolauleʻa i ka Mahina ʻOlelo Hawaiʻi​O ka Lono o ka Pule: E Hoʻolauleʻa i ka Mahina ʻOlelo HawaiʻiFrom Supt. Christina M. Kishimoto: I’m excited to announce the launch of a new video series produced by the Communications Branch that aims to highlight the Hawaiian ali‘i whose names grace many of our school campuses.
HIDOE receives $1 million grant for STEM education at eight West Oahu schools receives $1 million grant for STEM education at eight West Oahu schoolsHIDOE has received a $1 million grant from the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Partnership for STEM education for K-8 students at eight military-impacted schools in the Campbell-Kapolei Complex Area over five years.
Palolo Elementary dedicates new Center for Creative HeARTS, Learning Garden and beautiful mural Elementary dedicates new Center for Creative HeARTS, Learning Garden and beautiful muralPalolo Elementary students, parents, staff and community members celebrated the dedication of the school’s new Center for Creative HeARTS. Funded by a $90,000 School Design Innovation Grant, the center repurposes an existing section of the campus to energize students with new tools and innovative resources.
Celebrating 2018 ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i 2018 ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘iFebruary is Hawaiian Language Month! The Islands are celebrating with events to elevate and honor the indigenous language and help raise funds for Hawaiian Language Immersion Program schools.
Kailua school receives $250,000 to enhance STEM opportunities school receives $250,000 to enhance STEM opportunitiesThe Department of Defense Education Activities has awarded $250,000 to Kailua Intermediate for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) opportunities and college readiness initiatives. The grant will help Kailua Intermediate support efforts towards STEM achievement, which will include in-class supports, tutoring and extracurricular STEM activities.
Ka 'Umeke Ka'eo PCS awarded $1 million School Improvement Grant 'Umeke Ka'eo PCS awarded $1 million School Improvement GrantThe Hawai'i Island public charter school will receive the funds for school years 2017-18 and 2018-19 to boost student achievement. School Improvement Grants (SIGs) are awarded by the U.S. Department of Education to states to create competitive subgrants.
Department pursues expansion of Hawaiian education assessments pursues expansion of Hawaiian education assessmentsHIDOE has taken another step towards advancing Hawaiian language assessments for Hawaiian immersion students. In a collaborative effort with the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and Hawaiian language stakeholders, HIDOE is seeking federal approval for the expansion of the Kaiapuni Assessment of Educational Outcomes (KAEO) to Grades 5-8.
Building a bridge between two readiness initiatives a bridge between two readiness initiativesSixteen regional school-community teams are hosting HĀ Community Days. The goal is to bring schools and communities together to contextualize and actualize HIDOE’s HĀ policy to strengthen outcomes in the system that reflect Hawai‘i’s unique context and honor Hawaiian culture. Here, we profile the work of the Campbell-Kapolei team.
Hawaii awarded $1.5 million from U.S. Department of Education to improve schools in need$1-5-million-from-U-S--Department-of-Education-to-improve-schools-in-need.aspxHawaii awarded $1.5 million from U.S. Department of Education to improve schools in needThe U.S. Department of Education announced today that HIDOE will receive $1.5 million in School Improvement Grants. Priority schools in a number of states are recipients of the grant as part of the Elementary & Secondary Education Act.
Department of Defense grants Leeward public schools additional $749K to enhance literacy of Defense grants Leeward public schools additional $749K to enhance literacyHIDOE received its second DoDEA Partnership grant for improving reading achievement for the schools in the complex that have military students of 15 percent or greater. The $749,744.70 grant will target Ewa Beach (27%), Iroquois Point (23%) and Keone'ula (17%) elementary schools.
Results of more rigorous test show progress in academic achievement and college pathways of more rigorous test show progress in academic achievement and college pathwaysIn its second year of administering a new, more rigorous testing standard, Hawaii’s students continue to move in the right direction in meeting higher expectations for college and career readiness. An historic assessment baseline is set for Hawaiian immersion students.
Waiver sought for School Improvement Grants for Fiscal Years 2015, 2016 sought for School Improvement Grants for Fiscal Years 2015, 2016School Improvement Grants (SIG) enable eligible schools to improve the quality of instruction and increase the academic achievement of students. The waiver will extend the use of funds to 2018.
USDOE grants waiver extension to Hawaiian Language test grants waiver extension to Hawaiian Language testFor the second consecutive year, HIDOE will issue a specialized assessment to Hawaiian immersion students. The U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) granted HIDOE’s request for an extended waiver that allows Hawaiian Language Immersion Program (HLIP) students to take a specialized assessment in lieu of the state’s English language arts and math student assessments.
HIDOE awarded grant to launch pilot of culturally accurate student assessments awarded grant to launch pilot of culturally accurate student assessmentsThe Office of Hawaiian Education is one of 12 recipients to receive a portion of $2 million in grants from the Assessment for Learning Project (ALP) and its partners. The winning proposal looks at designing an assessment that can support a broader and culturally accurate definition of student success in Hawaii.
E Hoʻomaikaʻi ʻia ʻo Pēpēluali ʻo ia ka Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi Hoʻomaikaʻi ʻia ʻo Pēpēluali ʻo ia ka Mahina ʻŌlelo HawaiʻiE paipai ana ka ʻOihana Hoʻonaʻauao o Hawaiʻi i nā kula a pau o ka mokuʻāina e hoʻomaikaʻi pū kākou iā Pēpēluali ʻo ia ka Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi.
Grants will help students prepare for success will help students prepare for successHeidi Armstrong, complex area superintendent for Campbell and Kapolei, wrote the following piece that was published in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. "I have firsthand experience with exemplary educational opportunities made possible through grant funding and community partnerships. One program in particular — Project Lead The Way (PLTW) — has breathed new life into our complex area schools."
Grants build legacies at schools build legacies at schools Over the course of the last two months students, parents, staff, and volunteers from the Locations Foundation worked on changing the landscape of Kanoelani Elementary School. They gathered to work on the “Legacy Project,” based on a $25,000 grant from the Locations Foundation.
1st place essay about kalo evokes passion for land, people place essay about kalo evokes passion for land, peopleʻAʻaliʻikumakani Dukelow, a 2015 graduate of Ke Kula Kaiapuni ʻo Kekaulike on Maui, earns a $2,500 scholarship and summer learning and cultural exchange in Washington, D.C., with his winning essay about cultivating taro.
Students discover career options at the bottom of petri dishes discover career options at the bottom of petri dishesWaipahu High students showcased their summertime research at the school's first annual Science Scholars Program Symposium. Using distance learning tools, they collaborated with Rutgers University scientists who reviewed student data and provided immediate feedback. Teacher Michael Sana, who secured funding for the program, hopes to see more schools join. "It truly engages the student's natural curiosity to solve the unknown."
Meet Kupuna Minerva Pang Kupuna Minerva PangMomilani Elementary's kupuna has taught Hawaiian values, history and culture — including free hula classes — to countless students since joining the school in 1986. Kupuna collaborate with the Hawaiian Studies program staff to bring cultural and place-based learning into the public schools.
Hawaii to administer Hawaiian assessments to immersion students to administer Hawaiian assessments to immersion studentsThe U.S. Department of Education has granted Hawaii a one-year waiver allowing immersion students to take assessments in Hawaiian, which is their primary language of instruction.
Department advances Hawaiian Education advances Hawaiian EducationVia Board Policies 2104 and 2105, the Department moves forward with Office of Hawaiian Education and a new director position. The Department also updated the Board and public on a field test of a Hawaiian-language assessment for the Kaiapuni program.
BOE sets firm support of Hawaiian Education sets firm support of Hawaiian Education The Board spent nearly one year working with stakeholders to craft policy revisions aimed at advancing Hawaiian language, culture and history in Hawaii's public schools.
Department awards $1 million in Strive HI grants$1-million-in-'Strive-HI'-grants-to-32-schools.aspxDepartment awards $1 million in Strive HI grantsHONOLULU - The Department today honored 32 schools for extraordinary achievements at the first annual Strive HI Awards ceremony. The awards ranging from $12,500 to $100,000 recognize schools for significant academic progress for two consecutive years and represent a one-time grant to further improvement efforts.

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