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Bullying is not acceptable in Hawai‘i's public school system is not acceptable in Hawai‘i's public school systemFrom Supt. Christina M. Kishimoto: It should go without saying that bullying is not tolerated in an organization or in communities dedicated to educating healthy and joyful lifelong learners who contribute meaningfully to our communities. But to be explicitly clear: Bullying of any kind is not acceptable in Hawai‘i public schools. This piece ran on Sept. 19, 2018 in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
Culture of accountability results in academic successes at Kamehameha III Elementary of accountability results in academic successes at Kamehameha III ElementaryWith a mission of “Empowering students to improve the future,” King Kamehameha III Elementary has seen its achievement steadily climb in all subjects while maintaining high levels of growth. Principal Steve Franz says the school promotes a culture that values growth and teachers take ownership of all students.
Ewa Makai Middle School’s Vanessa Ching named 2018 Hawaii State Teacher of the Year Makai Middle School’s Vanessa Ching named 2018 Hawaii State Teacher of the YearEwa Makai Middle School teacher Vanessa Ching was named the 2018 Hawaii State Teacher of the Year. The honor is presented annually to a classroom teacher selected from more than 11,000 educators within the Hawaii State Department of Education. Ching was among seven District Teachers of the Year and one Charter School Teacher of the Year recognized.


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