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Bullying is not acceptable in Hawai‘i's public school system is not acceptable in Hawai‘i's public school systemFrom Supt. Christina M. Kishimoto: It should go without saying that bullying is not tolerated in an organization or in communities dedicated to educating healthy and joyful lifelong learners who contribute meaningfully to our communities. But to be explicitly clear: Bullying of any kind is not acceptable in Hawai‘i public schools. This piece ran on Sept. 19, 2018 in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
McKinley High School to celebrate 150 years of Black & Gold tradition High School to celebrate 150 years of Black & Gold traditionMcKinley High will be celebrating 150 years of Tiger pride and tradition with anniversary events throughout this school year beginning with a Homecoming Week Luau on Friday, Sept. 25.
The Department recognizes, rewards data champions Department recognizes, rewards data championsSelect educators who have demonstrated leadership in data usage toward student and staff success earn $5,000 to bolster their efforts.

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