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Hoʻohaʻaheo Newsletter, SY-2024-25,-SY-2024-25.aspxHoʻohaʻaheo Newsletter, SY-2024-25As the Department's primary publication, we aim to live up to the meaning of ha‘aheo – to cherish with pride – by bolstering and sustaining pride in public education and touting the successes happening across our system.
Washington Middle School 8th grader earns top score in state math competition Middle School 8th grader earns top score in state math competitionWashington Middle School eighth grader Evan Ho will be representing Hawai‘i at the national 2024 MATHCOUNTS competition later this year in Washington, D.C.
Hoʻohaʻaheo Newsletter, SY-2023-24,-SY-2023-24.aspxHoʻohaʻaheo Newsletter, SY-2023-24As the Department's primary publication, we aim to live up to the meaning of ha‘aheo – to cherish with pride – by bolstering and sustaining pride in public education and touting the successes happening across our system.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Dec. 20‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Dec. 20Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue features a holiday message from Superintendent Hayashi.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Dec. 13‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Dec. 13Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes the Department's efforts in expanding locally produced and sourced foods.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Dec. 6‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Dec. 6Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes our partnership with PBS Hawai‘i and HIKI NŌ.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Nov. 29‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Nov. 29Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes recognition of the quality of our college and career academies in our public schools by the National Career Academy Coalition.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Nov. 22‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Nov. 22Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes warm wishes to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Nov. 15‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Nov. 15Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes ag-tech in South Korea and increasing local menu offerings to students.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Nov. 8‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Nov. 8Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes school visits and Pearl City High’s Teaching as a Profession program students' inaugural Dive into Education conference.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Nov. 1‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Nov. 1Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes an inaugural workforce development hero award and a gift from Keonepoko Elementary to the Lāhainā community.
Hoʻohaʻaheo Newsletter, Oct. 25ʻohaʻaheo Newsletter, Oct. 25Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes the Hawai‘i Afterschool Alliance’s ‘Aha Lokahi Community conference.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Oct. 18‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Oct. 18Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes an update on the Lāhainā schools and Unity Day.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Oct. 4‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Oct. 4Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes the announcement of the 2024 Hawai‘i State Teacher of the Year and recognizing National Principals Month.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Sept. 27‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Sept. 27Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes the latest on our reopening plans for Lāhainā schools and upcoming events including the 2024 Hawai‘i State Teacher of the Year ceremony.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Sept. 20‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Sept. 20Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue features two Hawai‘i Blue Ribbon Schools, Complex Area Teacher of the Year Finalists and Hawai‘i State PAEMST Finalists.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Sept. 13‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Sept. 13Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. With the ongoing response to the West Maui wildfires, we have changed our header to pink in support of Maui’s official color and are focusing on updates, resources and how to help Lāhainā school communities.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Sept. 6‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Sept. 6Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. With the ongoing response to the West Maui wildfires, we have changed our header to pink in support of Maui’s official color and are focusing on updates, resources and how to help Lāhainā school communities.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Aug. 30‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Aug. 30Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. With the ongoing response to the West Maui wildfires, we have changed our header to pink in support of Maui’s official color and are focusing on updates, resources and how to help Lāhainā school communities.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Aug. 23‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Aug. 23Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. With the ongoing response to the West Maui wildfires, we have changed our header to pink in support of Maui’s official color and are focusing on updates, resources and how to help Lāhainā school communities.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Aug. 16‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Aug. 16Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. With the ongoing response to the West Maui wildfires, we are focusing on updates, resources and how to help the West Maui school community.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Aug. 9‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Aug. 9Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. In light of the Maui and Hawai‘i Island wildfires, we are providing a special update from the Superintendent for this week’s issue.
Hoʻohaʻaheo Newsletter, Aug. 2ʻohaʻaheo Newsletter, Aug. 2Our weekly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This issue kicks off the 2023-24 school year with a message from Superintendent.
Hoʻohaʻaheo Newsletter, May 24ʻohaʻaheo Newsletter, May 24Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This This issue closes out the 2022-23 school year with a special message from Superintendent to the Class of 2023.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, May 17‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, May 17Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week features an update on the 2023-29 Strategic Plan Phase II Implementation Plan.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, May 3‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, May 3Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week features updates on the Implementation Plan that will be presented to the Board of Education.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, April 26‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, April 26Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week features the national recognition of our public school students and school leaders praised for the impactful work they do.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, April 19‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, April 19Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week we're purple for Purple UP! day to show our support and appreciation of military youth.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, April 12‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, April 12Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week features summer learning opportunities.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, April 5‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, April 5Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week features the 2023 state Teacher of Promise award and recognition of assistant principals.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, March 29‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, March 29Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week features the upcoming graduation ceremony dates and venues and a summer student internship program with the state Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, March 22‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, March 22Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week features an update on Kūlanihāko‘i High School.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, March 8‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, March 8Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week features new partnerships with wa‘a organizations and nominees for the Masayuki Tokioka Excellence in School Leadership Award.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, March 1‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, March 1Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue features another round of DonorsChoose funding and a special message for #PublicSchoolsWeek.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Feb. 22‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Feb. 22Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes the middle level education conference and upcoming summer school offerings.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Feb. 8‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Feb. 8Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes the 2023 ASCA's Hawai‘i School Counselor of the Year and Mahina ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i (Hawaiian Language Month).
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Feb. 1‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Feb. 1Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes the 2023 Milken Educator Award and Mahina ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i (Hawaiian Language Month).
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Jan. 25‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Jan. 25Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes the Board approval of four CAS appointments.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Jan. 18‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Jan. 18Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes the opening day of the 2023 legislative session and recognition of our board members in honor of School Board Recognition Month.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Jan. 11‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Jan. 11Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes the Department's major priorities for the 2023 legislative session.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Jan. 4‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Jan. 4Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes professional New Year's resolutions from staff and a highlight on the BOE strategic plan survey.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Dec. 7‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Dec. 7Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes shares a complex area's commitment to fostering a culture of inclusivity and team work to strengthen collaboration and friendships while encouraging physical activity and recognizes December 7 as Pearl Harbor Rememberance Day.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Aug. 24‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Aug. 24Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue includes an update on DOH guidance and leadership appointments.
Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Aug. 10‘oha‘aheo Newsletter, Aug. 10Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue features the school supply subsidy pilot program and complex area teachers of the year.
Hoʻohaʻaheo Newsletter, Aug. 3ʻohaʻaheo Newsletter, Aug. 3Our monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This week's issue features special guests from the Board of Education.
Weekly Updates, May 25 Updates, May 25Our monthly Ho‘oha‘aheo newsletter will temporarily transition to a weekly edition. With COVID conditions continuing to improve, we have shifted away from the weekly COVID updates and will provide a wider range of HIDOE stories and announcements in this space as we adapt to the broader needs of our school communities.
Weekly Updates, May 18 Updates, May 18Our monthly Ho‘oha‘aheo newsletter will temporarily transition to a weekly edition. With COVID conditions continuing to improve, we have shifted away from the weekly COVID updates and will provide a wider range of HIDOE stories and announcements in this space as we adapt to the broader needs of our school communities.
May 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheoOur monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This month's publication features a look back at our monthly issues and stories in Hoʻohaʻaheo over the past school year.
November 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheo, Teacher of the Year edition 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheo, Teacher of the Year editionOur monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This month's issue features sixteen finalists for the 2022 Hawaii State Teacher of the Year, representing each of our complex areas and one finalist from charter schools.
October 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheoOur monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This month's issue features keeping schools open and safe for learning and the commitment to help prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
September 2021 Hoʻohaʻaheo 2021 HoʻohaʻaheoOur monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This month's issue features keeping schools open and safe for learning.
December 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheoOur monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This month's issue features a message from Interim Superintendent Keith Hayashi.
April 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheoOur monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This month's issue is a special Kauaʻi district edition featuring educators and students from across the complex and what makes them #PublicSchoolProud.
March 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheoOur monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This month's issue is a special Maui district edition featuring educators and students from across the Canoe complex and what makes them #PublicSchoolProud.
February 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2021 Ho‘oha‘aheoOur monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. In honor of February being Mahina ‘Ōlelo Hawaiʻi, this issue is dedicated to celebrating the Hawaiian language.
January 2021 Hoʻohaʻaheo 2021 HoʻohaʻaheoOur monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This month's issue features the Hawaiʻi State Teacher Fellows' New Year's resolutions, and we asked Hōnaunau Elementary students what makes them #PublicSchoolProud.
November & December 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheo & December 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheoOur monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This month's issue features our National Blue Ribbon Schools and what makes them #PublicSchoolProud.
October 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheoOur monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This month's issue is a special Teacher of the Year Edition featuring the 2021 Complex Area Teachers of the Year and what makes them #PublicSchoolProud.
August & September 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheo & September 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheoOur monthly online publication to highlight bright spots from across the public school system. This month's issue features a distance learning forum, the first days of school and more stories from students, educators and alumni about what makes them #PublicSchoolProud
July 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheoOur monthly newsletter redesigned from a print product to an online publication that is mobile-friendly and highlights bright spots in an easy-to-consume format. This month's issue features summer enrichment programs, closing the gap and more stories from students, educators and alumni about what makes them #PublicSchoolProud.
March 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheoMonthly print and digital newsletter. This month's issue kicks-off our island series with stories from the island of Hawai‘i. Students launch a vaping campaign, a teacher provides advice on supporting middle-level students, and more stories from Hawai‘i island students, educators and alumni about what makes them #PublicSchoolProud.
Teacher Voice: A voice for the voiceless Voice: A voice for the voicelessRoosevelt High special education teacher Derek Govin strives to help his students develop authentic voice.
February 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheoMonthly print and digital newsletter. This month's issue is dedicated to highlighting special education stories and the work of HIDOE’s Office of Student Support Services.
January 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2020 Ho‘oha‘aheoMonthly print and digital newsletter. This month's edition features stories focused on legislative topics and civic engagement as Hawai‘i's 2020 legislative session kicks off Jan. 15.
November/December 2019 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2019 Ho‘oha‘aheoMonthly print and digital newsletter. Strive HI: Schools credit project-based learning, student-centered cultures for academic gains, Grow Our Own teacher Jacie Miyashiro, art opportunities and more stories from HIDOE alumni, staff and students about what makes them #PublicSchoolProud.
October 2019 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2019 Ho‘oha‘aheoMonthly print and digital newsletter. This month's issue is a special Teacher of the Year Edition featuring the 2020 Complex Area Teachers of the Year and what makes them #PublicSchoolProud.
September 2019 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2019 Ho‘oha‘aheoMonthly print and digital newsletter. Waiakea Complex Area student collaboration, schools directed AC, and stories from HIDOE alumni, staff and students about what makes them #PublicSchoolProud.
August 2019 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2019 Ho‘oha‘aheoMonthly print and digital newsletter. Each issue features new stories from across our public school system and conversations from HIDOE alumni, staff and students about what makes them #PublicSchoolProud.
July 2019 Ho‘oha‘aheo 2019 Ho‘oha‘aheoWe strive to tell the stories that grow community support and involvement by celebrating successes around the exciting work being done in schools across the state as we deliver on the power and promise of public education. Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year, an overview of the 2030 Promise Plan, and more stories.

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