Based on the Department's July 28, 2021, Distance Learning for SY 2021-2022 Guidance Update memo.
The Hawaii Department of Education (Department) is focused on full in-person learning for the 2021-22 school year. Schools have been working diligently in preparations to welcome back all students to campus.
The following is the guidance for the State Distance Learning Program for SY 2021-22. Guidance is provided for all schools and specifically for those in the complex areas that did not plan to provide distance learning programs.
1. Upon receiving a parent/guardian request verbally or in writing, the principal/designee shall ask for the reason a distance learning program is being requested and determine if the reason falls within one of the categories listed below:
(a) The parent does not feel comfortable sending their child to campus and would like to keep their child at home;
(b) The child performed well academically, socially, and emotionally in a distance learning setting;
(c) The child has underlying medical conditions which place them in the high-risk category for serious illness; or
(d) The child would be able to get courses from another school or complex that their school does not offer.
2. A meeting shall be scheduled with the parent/guardian to discuss concerns and look at:
a. EL, IEP, 504: If the student has been identified as EL, or has an IEP/504 plan, then a meeting will be arranged with the school team to discuss if the student learning plan/IEP can be provided in a distance learning program including social and emotional learning needs.
b. General Education: Evaluate a student’s past performance (academic, social, emotional) in distance learning using available data such as attendance, formative assessments, grades, report card GLO marks or comments, Panorama SEL survey, and teacher observation. A student is a likely candidate if past performance has shown they can be successful in a distance learning environment.
When meeting with the parent/guardian, discuss the following:
a. Review the benefits of full in-person learning.
b. Describe the distance learning program and limitations (e.g. only core course for grades K to 8 and limited electives for high school) and the parent/guardian expectations.
3. Principal/designee makes a determination to approve or disapprove.
a. If disapproved: The principal will provide information/data and rationale for professional
judgment that the decision was based on.
Welcome the student for full in-person learning. If the parent disagrees, a written appeal can be submitted to the complex area superintendent within 10
days. The CAS decision is final.
b. If approved:
Complex areas/schools share and provide relevant information for the
existing program, or if the complex area/schools did not plan to provide distance learning
programs, they may take the following actions for the state distance learning
program referral:
- The principal will have parents sign the Distance Learning Parent Agreement.
- The principal reminds parents that the program has limited capacity.
- School submits necessary student information to the Office of Curriculum and Instructional Design (OCID) via State Distance Learning Program Form.
- OCID confirms student participation with the school’s point of contact.
- School point of contact will be the liaison between OCID and families.