About this school
Lunalilo Elementary has a strong academic emphasis, well-rounded curricular programs and an effective array of comprehensive student support services. It has implemented curricular projects across all grades that are aligned with the educational outreach of
Mālama Honua, the Worldwide Voyage of the Polynesian sailing canoes Hōkūle‘a and Hikianalia, with a mission to explore and spread learning grounded in culture, leadership, navigation, ocean, sustainability and voyaging.
What Mālama Honua looks like at the school level [VIEW]
The school community emphasizes standards-based learning, college and career readiness, active participation in a safe and drug-free environment and a vibrant network of school-family-community partnerships. The school has an award-winning video technology club and math team, grade 5 band and a myriad of sustainability programs.
The School Community Council, which includes administration, staff, parents and students, helps guide the school's academic and financial plan. The school has an active parent group, the Lunalilo Community School Association, which supplements school programs and encourages parent involvement in school initiatives.
Academic plan & financial plan
Strive HI report
An annual snapshot of key school progress indicators including language arts, math and science scores, achievement growth, student readiness, and more. Learn more about the Strive HI Performance System here.
Prior reports: 2021-22 | 2020-21 | 2019-20 | 2018-19 | 2017-18 | 2016-17 | 2015-16 |
2014-15 | 2013-14 |
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