Blanche Pope Elementary

​​About this school

Pope Elementary provides students with a strong foundation to succeed in future academic and life goals. Students are respectful, cooperative and active participants in a curriculum that integrates technology, collaboration and problem-solving.

Staff, parents and community are focused on an rigorous and enriching educational program that will develop students academically and socially. A variety of cocurricular programs are available, including Afterschool A-plus, afterschool tutorial, Kamehameha School’s Literacy Instruction & Support, and E Ola Pono program for grades 4-6.

The school welcomes community involvement and has developed strong partnerships several organizations.

Academic plan & financial plan

Prior financial plans: 2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-212019-20

Strive HI report

An annual snapshot of key school progress indicators such as reading, math and science scores, achievement growth, student readiness, and more. Learn more about the Strive HI Performance System here.

Prior reports:  2020-21 | 2019-20 | 2018-19 | 2017-18 | 2016-17 2015-16 | 2014-15 | 2013-14 | 2012-13

View additional reports on this school in our Report Finder. Search for the school name, then sort by year, level and type of report.

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School Info

Official School Name:
Blanche Pope Elementary

Heidi Rezentes

41-133 Huli Street
Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795



Pope Elementary

School Type:
Elementary School

Grade Levels:
kindergarten; 1st grade; 2nd grade; 3rd grade; 4th grade; 5th grade; 6th grade; pre-kindergarten