Homework and Test Help

Every student has strengths and weaknesses when it comes to academic performance, but, to quote science pioneer Louis Pasteur, “… chance favors only the prepared mind.” The programs listed here offer opportunities for students to get ready for tests and master their coursework.

Online learning

​​​​UH-Manoa Online Learning Academy

The Online Learning Academy hires University of Hawaii at Manoa students to provide math and science tutoring to Hawaii students online. Hawaii elementary, secondary and community college students meet with UH Manoa undergraduates majoring in math and science to obtain free, one-on-one math and science tutoring.

Tutoring Hours:

  • 6 to 9 p.m., Monday through Thursday
  • Sunday 5 to 8 p.m.
  • Closed on all State Holidays

Testing and Education Reference Center

Hawaii's public libraries offer an online resource to help students prepare for ACT, SAT, PSAT or other college entrance exams via Gale Courses, and additional test prep tools through the Testing & Education Reference Center, a database that includes more than 300 practice tests and courses, and dozens of eBooks filled with valuable study material and practice tests. You will need your valid library card number and PIN in order to access these subscription databases from outside a library.​ Learn more.

Sta​​ndards and Assessments: Family Resources

Families are key in student preparedness. New standards (Hawaii Common Core) and assessments (Smarter Balanced) are creating shifts in the classroom that involve more dynamic, evidence- and technology-based learning than what classes used to look like a generation ago. We encourage families to dig in to these resources​ to help students be ready to learn.​

Home​​work battles

Does your child ever struggle with homework? Many do. And there’s actually a lot you can do to help.​ Dive into assistance on the Great Kids!​ website.

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