The Workforce Development Council serves as the State Workforce Investment Board for purposes of WIOA Public Law No. 113-128, and functions as an "information clearinghouse" for all workforce development programs in the state, including workforce training and education programs.
There are four local workforce development boards in Hawaii established by WIOA. Each workforce development board develops a WIOA local plan.
The Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations is the State of Hawaii recipient of WIOA Title I and Title III funds:
● WIOA Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Services
● WIOA Title III Employment Services
The Hawaii State Department of Education is the State of Hawaii recipient of WIOA Title II funds:
● WIOA Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Act
The Hawaii Department of Human Services, Division of Vocation and Rehabilitation is the State of Hawaii recipient of WIOA Title IV funds:
● WIOA Title IV Vocational Rehabilitation

The American Job Center Hawaii (also called One-Stop Centers) is a result of WIOA (§3151) and a unique collaboration of state and local organizations addressing the workforce development needs of Hawaii – both residents who are seeking jobs and businesses that want to employ them. There are four American Job Centers, one in each county providing free services to job seekers and employers.